||A Broken Artist||

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His pov:

In shadows of canvas, a broken brush's caress

A boy, an artist, paints love's silent distress

he looks at the clock then at his phone

Sighing, as he knows he's all alone

Time passes by with each stroke 

A love untold, bespoke 

She hasn't answered him in quite a while

His anxiety starts to pile

He continues to paint, having her in mind

Remembering her voice, her laugh, her words so kind

Feelings of loneliness, he painfully embraces 

His mind trapped only in small dark places

He dips his brush in crimson red

Stroking the canvas til it all bled

He paints the petals long and tall

Looking once again for her call

As he paints the stem, he adds the thorns 

Lighting strikes and hears of thunder, storms

"Man, I miss her so much", he mumbles 

A tear starts to shed as he slowly crumbles

He wipes it away, and paints a delicate hand

His artwork so far, so amazingly grand

Blood runs down the fingers, so

In deep throughs, he's still so low

A finished masterpiece, he has done

A rose being held by someone 

His finished piece is all for her

His mind, still missing her a complete blur 

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