||Timeless Tides||

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Your words speak volumes, echoing defiance against society's narrow gaze, 

Asserting the authenticity of your love, in its depth and in its blaze

 For age, a mere number, should not define the bonds we share, 

In the realm of love, what matters most is the genuine care

You stand firm amidst the whispers of doubt and disapproval's glare, 

Drawing strength from the love you both declare

For love knows no bounds, no barriers to confine, 

It flourishes in hearts, regardless of the hands of time

Your love, a testament to resilience, to companionship true, 

Forged through shared experiences, through trials you've been through

 In his arms, you find solace, in his eyes, you see your world, 

Together you navigate life's journey, unfurled

So let them talk, let them question, let them pry,

 For in your hearts, the truth of love shall never die

United in purpose, in passion, in stride, 

In each other's embrace, you'll forever reside

For love transcends the whispers of doubt, the judgments so unkind, 

In its embrace, you find sanctuary, peace of mind

 So hold onto each other, through the trials you face, 

For in your love's embrace, you'll find endless grace

Your love, a beacon of hope, shining bright and true, 

Guiding you both through whatever life may ensue

 So stand tall, defy the critics' disdain, 

For in your love's embrace, you'll forever remain

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