||The 4 Rivers||

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In Jannah, where bliss and rewards entwine,

As Muslims strive, towards it, their hearts incline

For four rivers await, a heavenly decree,

Water, milk, honey, and wine, pure and free

Sipping from the stream, the water divine,

Symbolic of blessings, joys that forever shine

Milk flows unspoiled, a richness untold,

Emphasizing purity, a treasure to behold

The river of honey, a sweetness so right,

Delights that unfold, pure and out of sight

And then the river of wine, no ill effect in its wake,

A pure elixir, a heavenly taste to partake

Earned through respect, to others we show,

A magical reward, a divine overflow

Imagine witnessing these rivers' grace,

To drink from them, a dream to embrace

Oh, the one who enjoys this unending stream,

In Jannah's allure, a celestial dream

May Allah bless us with this heavenly sight,

The wait, a journey, the end, pure delight

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