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Oh, rejoice! The awaited month draws near,

Old memories in the heart reappear

Ramadan, a sacred time, almost here,

Gather kin, friends, and peers, hold dear

From sunrise to sunset, fasting we embrace,

Awaiting rewards, blessings to trace

Quran, fasting, charity, a triumvirate so grand,

Cooking meals, patience in demand

The call to prayer opens our fast,

Savoring past favorites, a meal to last

Taraweeh, the extended prayer we undertake,

A joyous feeling, can you not partake?

To the mosque we go, a vibrant scene,

Counting rewards, a treasure unseen

Learning, a bounty, a blessing untold,

Yet, realizing it's just a month, a truth to hold

Anticipation builds, can't wait anymore,

Ramadan, a cure for the heart's sore

Happy you're coming soon, oh blessed moon,

Dua and prayers, echoing till noon

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