||A Souls End||

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Once your eyes gently close, your soul takes flight,

 The Day of Judgment looms, an awakening light

 Beneath the earth, six feet in repose, 

Deaf to the world, where silence only grows

An angel descends with questions profound, 

Wrapped in white, you in contemplation found

 "Who is your Lord?" they gently inquire, 

In the fabric of righteousness, you aspire

"What is your religion?" the query persists, 

A decision echoing through the soul exists

 And lastly, they ask, "Who is your prophet?" pray tell,

 A moment suspended as thoughts in silence dwell

As you ponder those questions in the earth's embrace, 

Answers to determine your celestial space

 No matter your strength, no matter your might,

 Allah's decree shapes your eternal night

In the stillness, peaceful or hard it shall be, 

Forewarned you were, in life's decree

 Beware, oh soul, of the grave's inquisition, 

No earthly plea can alter its disposition

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