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Every human knew the history of this ugly war oh sorry not just humans the creatures,monsters and beasts to

Sorry you can cross out creatures and monsters and beasts to because that's not what we are yes in the eyes of humans we are but in reality we're just different... in many ways.

There were four types of people in this world the humans are just humans normal ordinary people who loved to destruct the order of peace and judge one another in other words this was all there fault.

Then there was the gifted the humans call them monsters but we really aren't we're just as normal as they are it's just.... We have a certain gift that was given to us otherwise known as a power... the power could be anything and gifted people could have more than one gift but two gifts was rare it's self! Yet alone three it hasn't been seen for a while now! The gifted people appeared without an explanation no one knows how they came to be since it was a while ago.

Then the creatures/hybrids or mutants otherwise. They were introduced into this already odd world there where to many arguments for the story on how they came to be the first one was that a gifted person cursed his son with his animal gift and tried to turn him into an animal but ended up making the boy only half animal and half human the other being the child was born with a mutant gift and his children also had the same gift which is how they became known and if I recall there was another story that said an animal spirit had a child with a mer human and the hybrids came to be but like I said this argument had been going on for years and years no one's sure of the truth.

Then there was the last type of people and the rarest among them all most of them are dead they say only a few survived the Hygifts a hybrid and a gifted person in one they were nearly all gone there were two types of hygifts though the first one being the hygift could be half animal and with a gift and the other hygift could have a close connection to a certain animal or spirit animal is what they called them that they would meet and unlock at one point of there life the Hygifts were known to be the most powerful out of all the others the strongest type of hygift came from the long line of royalty towards the magic kingdom they had spirit animals or were half animal yes but there gifts where next level they had four gifts. Though as time went on the royalty blood line was lost as they mixed bloods and separated after the war came.

But of course we were not the only unusual things in this world spirits and monsters actual monsters existed but not many people ever saw them

The four types of people lived in peace for a while the humans had a human king yes and the human king had no problem with the powered humans and he didn't really care since it wasn't really his problem and he had no interest in breaking the peace of course the powered humans (hybrids and gifted) were ruled by the hygift's which where beginning to get corrupt as a civil war was just about to break out the human king died and his eldest son took over a son that despised the creatures or monsters it started with getting rid of them from the capital then getting rid of them in villages and of the outskirts of the capital then he began to execute any that didn't leave and any who tried to hide pushing them all the way to the mountains,forests and into hiding all together ordering any creature that the guards or humans came in contact with to be killed in an instant of course the Hygifts weren't going to watch there people be killed so the active king decided to face the new human king trying to get to an agreement with the new king. Of course the king refused instead ordering his guards to bring all the Hygifts and had them executed. No matter how much they fought a new technology was formed that could stop a person from using there gift and injured them at the same time which gave the Hygifts a down side they were all executed on that day in front of a huge crowd the rumours spread and the survivors who herd the news coward in fear while others stayed to fight most went into hiding while others who were worthy to lead gathered a group and went into hiding making a small tribe or village who were being prepared to take back there rights well that's what was being said.

But there was a small problem to finish of and make sure there were no decedents the king ordered

"any places we raid get as many children you can not newborns no those you can just kill I want them to be around the age of four take them to the labs where we make those metal bracelets to stop the gifts we'll make there lives a living hell give them no hope and when the time comes well make sure they stay under our command and do what we tell them to do the first major test starts now make them obedient make them hopeless control them brain wash them destroy there dreams of ever being free"

The hidden people of the giftedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum