Chapter 4

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'Shit!' I thought looking back 'bad very bad!' "Hurry up!" I yelled seeing Miles running for his life behind him an angry dragon it's been two days since we escaped and they've been hell! Sometimes I wondered which was worse the outside world or the lab! 'At least this place we can run!' I thought out of breath I was tired from running since dawn! The first day was all well until we got hungry and began to search for food and we new nothing of how things work here! Well maybe a little thanks to the older kids that hadn't been there for ages Miles would learn something like math and tell me about it that's how I got my common knowledge one plus one two abc money villages law war all that stuff but I've never seen a real dragon! Or a snake or a horse that runs really fast! After you took its child hoping to cook it... or plants that you can't eat luckily Aurora new that before Zack could take a bite.... I sighed I was tired my legs were heavy

"It's no use!" Miles exclaimed "it's still following us!" "Do you think Zack Jasper and Aurora made it back to the cave?" I asked "I'm pretty sure just keep going" Miles said "I can't! How the hell is something so big so fast!?" I yelled just then the dragon let out a roar making the floor rumble 'I must have offended it...'  but that wasn't it just then a huge shadow overcasted the valley we were in. I looked up as the dragon landed in front of us 'shit shit shit shit!' I thought coming to a halt as the dragon opened its mouth "fall back!" I yelled it's what the guards said when we nearly killed them must mean retreat a gush of burning fire shot out of the dragons mouth as i leaped for the valley walls Miles hanging on the other side across me "it's no use we're gonna have to fight!" Miles shouted "that's what I was about to say" i muttered "ok new plan you distract it and I'll see what I can do" Miles called "you moron I don't know my gift!" I exclaimed "just use what you used on the pack of wolfs!" Miles said  "I told you I don't know how!" Just then fire burnt passed me cutting me off as the blazing hot lava just missed my leg 'that was close two close!' I thought "we'll DO SoMetHIng!" Miles yelled I sighed 'how did I do it last time?' I thought I lifted my hand... then electricity shot out of it... I did the same lifting my hand closing my eyes 'nope nothing' I sighed just then when I put my hand near the rock it came off floating in mid air I looked at it 'how the hell is a rock gonna kill a dragon!?' I thought angrily  'well he said distract not kill' I pushed my hand back bonking the rock onto the dragons head it turned to me growling "sorry but not sorry" I whispered when it's face was an inch away from mine just then it opened it mouth "nope" rose my hands and put them in front if my face the fire didn't come I looked a wall of rock.. I looked up to see fire sparks 'good thing' I thought and right timing and it started once again I leaped up landing on the bare floor Miles already there "let's run while it thinks I'm still behind the wall"  I told him "good idea".

I pulled myself up onto the grassy land "finally" I panted "I think I'm getting the hang of my gift" "it's gone" Miles collapsed "I must have a weather gift or something" I sighed out of breath "or an elemental one" Miles muttered "wake me up when you figure out where the rest have gone I'm gonna sleep here for a few years" "no can do sorry" I said "why's that" he grumbled "because we're on unfamiliar land right now we're not in the mountains anymore" I sighed "huh?" Miles sat up "where the hell are we that dragon honestly!" "If only it stayed distracted" i muttered "this place must be dangerous because the minute we got further from the mountains and more into the woods it took off"  "I hope not" Miles sighed "I don't have energy to run or fight" "nether do I" I agreed

I got up first looking around it was silent and calm sunlight was flickering through the trees reaching the forest floor a warm breeze went past as I noticed something flickering just beyond I began to walk towards it and when I finally reached it I saw a familiar looking lake sun flickering on the surface making different colours it felt familiar to familiar like the lake that my father had taken me to when I was five I put my hand on a nearby by tree the bark was soft but bumpy I looked up it was peaceful and quite much better than what I had seen so far.

"Water!" Miles exclaimed I turned watching him bend down at the rivers shore I sighed 'peace ruined' "why are you so quite I thought something happened to you" Miles said standing up after drinking "it's quite" I breathed out sitting on the bare floor "yea and calm" Miles agreed "much better" "I'm guessing it's spring" I thought aloud "or summer" Miles nodded sitting next to me "we gotta find the rest" I said after a while of silence "yea" he sighed "that means finding our way back" I grumbled "great" Miles rolled his eyes "we'll let's get going then" I said helping him up "even if I don't want to" he replied "we can't just leave the rest alone something could happen" I told him "I think something's more likely to happen to us since were alone in the middle of no where they should be look for us not the other way around" Miles said sarcastically "we should be looking for each other stupid now stop whining and let's get going" I pointed out "I wasn't whining!" Miles protested "oh you were" I nodded my head "was not!" "We're to" "definitely wasn't!" "definitely were" "you're mean" "stop acting like a child" "you're the child!" "We're the same age"  I smiled Miles grumbled something under his breath and I laughed

It's been an hour! I feel like I'm walking in circles! But we hadn't found the lake again and the grass turned to bark which pricked my feet I already had to take out three splinters at least there was fruit to eat "we've been going east for hours now!" Miles groaned "maybe we came west?" I thought aloud Miles let out a tired groan "see you are a child!" I exclaimed "I'm not the only one my feet hurt we've been walking for hours let's take a break!" Miles suggested the sun was begging to set and he had a point so we stopped for the night "I take first watch?" I asked "sure" Miles muttered collapsing on the floor I sat on a rock looking around everything it was peaceful but a few minutes past when things began to go quite it was quite to quite for my liking I stood up listening carefully 'something doesn't feel right..' I thought turning around "Miles.." I called "Miles wake up"

"Hmm? What wrong?" He asked groggily
"Something's wrong" i muttered "what do you mean" he sat up quickly "its to quite" I explained "seriously-"


I looked up "in the tree's!" I warned as I jumped out of the way a sharp silver object flew past my face and stood there firm in the ground where I had been standing 'a knife' I thought shivers running down my spine now Miles was awake and alert "Who's there" He yelled "show yourself" just then there was a crack from behind me I twisted around the see a tall figure wearing a hood I braced myself as it shot at me I dodged barely "what the hell" Miles exclaimed I turned to see him faced to face with another masked person "Hybrid" the masked person said as it lunged at me once more I moved out of the way quickly. "Who are you?" I asked "me?" The person asked "Ahaha" it was weird I didn't like who ever it was they gave me a strange feeling "who sent you?" I said sharply "Humans" the person held up a knife "humans sent us to get the hybrid back and kill the gifted that escaped" I dodged once more this wasn't good at this rate the stranger would win I had to fight.
like a spark in my head warned me I ducked down as another knife just missed my throat 'another person! Wait what was that?' The sparks kept coming showing me there possible moves and where there hiding 'five' I thought 'is this a second gift? Can't wast time thinking now' everything was happening to quickly it was getting harder to dodge and before I knew it I was controlling the earth beneath me to block a fire attack a boy with reddish black hair and blood red eyes around my age his smile was sinister and gave me a bad feeling a gifted..

'Wait.... a gifted!? aren't the gifted against humans!?"

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