Chapter 1

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*Im sorry!*


I sat up my breath coming in gasps as I thought my heart would leap out of my chest. 'Just a dream' I thought looking at my shaking hands 'just a dream' I told myself again

"Are you ok" said a familiar voice I sat up instantly looking around the plain white room hopefully hoping to hear the voice again 'stupid! I'm going crazy! Dead he's dead and it's you're fault!'

'I'm losing it' I thought
'We'll it's about time I've been here since I was five...'
'It's been seven years damn it!'
'Ether it's the plain white room that annoys me'
'Or the fact I'm can't get out if here'
'It's most likely the fact I don't know where I am who my parents are what my gift is all I do know is that I'm not human and I'm a hygift which is really special and they torture me'

"E-E-Elysia a-are you awake?" Said a small voice


I looked at the door with a weird manner 'what is going on out there?' I thought

"Elysia I'm scared..." the small voice whined "what's going on?" He asked

Another *crash* caught my attention

"Don't worry Zack it probably some angry kid" I reassured the six year old next door even though I couldn't see him since the wall blocked the way we could still talk thank god our walls weren't sound proof but at times it could be quit annoying like now-


I covered my ears tightly as the screeching reached my room 'what the hell!?' I thought

"STOP RIGHT THER-" the voice was cut of with a gasp "E-Elysia!" Zack yelled "help!"
I heard a clatter sound from the next room "Zack!" I called out "Zack are you ok?"

"Yea it was just a guard he came in checking the room and slammed the door close and left", Zack whispered his voice filled with relief I sighed "you scared me there", "what do you think's happening?" He asked

"I think some kid got free nothing to worry about that's actually a good thing" I said with a small smile walking towards the wall and sitting down "Elysia what's happening?" "Huh? Didn't I just say?" I asked "no I mean in the world what's going on? I've been here for a year where's my mum and dad I thought you said they'd come and get me that it was only for a little while it's my birthday today..." The kids voice trailed of "Zack I -" "tell me the truth I want to know the truth!" He said angrily "you're to young Zack!" I began "no I'm not I'm seven and I've been trapped here for a year I want to know what happened! Where's Aunty and uncal mum and dad! Why are these weird people hurting us! Why are kids angry why are they escaping!" Zack yelled I took a deep breath "Zack" I new I had to tell him one day and even if I didn't he would find out himself I'm glad his neighbour next door hasn't told him unless he didn't have one... I mean Zack was on the left side of my room and Miles was on the right side well it used to be Alex before the incident. I shook my head at that thought

'If I don't tell him it might put his life in danger I can't keep giving him false hopes' I thought "Zack the truth is I'm not sure ether. You know I'm twelve right nearly thirteen" i muttered "yea" Zack replied "all I know is..." I paused "what's going on in the world is horrible the humans don't like us and there scared if us they locked us in here and took us away from our parents". "Why?" He asked in a small voice "because we have a power they don't and the king is angry about that one day I'll figure out a way we can get out of here and we'll get out together me you and Miles" I told him "what did Miles say?" Zack said "Miles said said that Aurora is gonna help out they're figuring it out slowly Zack so don't worry you won't stay here seven year like me and the rest", I told him "can I bring my friend" Zack asked "who?" I asked eagerly "he's name is Jasper" Zack said "tell jasper..." I began to tell Zack "okay will do!" Zack said as I herd his foot steps fade away "Miles you there", I asked "yes we just have to wait a few more night" Miles said "then we can escape" he said  "in seven days from now since the guards will come and get me soon for my metal band repairs and..."I felt my voice fade "we'll get out before that if you want" Miles said "we can't there keeping a close eye on me I think the best thing to do is escape while there all distracted with me", I said "no way! Are you an idiot! You've been here longer than me! I came here when I was nine it's only been three years for me and Aurora four Zack has only had one year! You're getting out with us you idiot!" I smiled slightly "if we can escape I'll go", I said as silence filled the room as I headed back to my bed.



"Wake up beast!" Yelled a guard which I was already not like I slept last night my dreams still haunt me knowing I'm going to be locked in that room for a while the guard dragged me out of the room by my arm. "God help me", i muttered
'Back to the punishment room even though I didn't do anything' I thought 'better than that room' I thought grimly


'Stupid humans I'll die at this rate!' I thought as the chains zapped me I was chained to the walls tightly 'I need to warn Miles' I thought 'our planes have to be perfect.


"I know you don't plan on escaping but if you ever do I have good news for you" the boss said a huge grin on his face "the control chips are done" I gasped 'shit this is bad!' My thoughts panicked "after all these year first the wrist band the the poison and now this is it great Elysia and even better you'll watch it all unfold beneath your eyes like everything else and you won't be able to so anything" 'I wish I could wipe that smirk of his face' I though angrily.


I finally returned to my room "miles"I panted as I lay on the floor where the guards had chucked me with clenched fists "yea" he said quickly "when we escape we have to be carful really carful not to get shot in the head" I warned "I know we'll die" Mile grunted "no they figured out the control chips" I whispered Miles stayed silent " then we'll escape sooner three days from now ok" Miles said I nodded "yea" before passing out.

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