Chapter 9

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I finally reached the top of the tree 
"h-how can y-you g-go so fast!" I gasped collapsing on the large branch "hah don't tell me you've never climbed a tree!" Enzo laughed "don't get me mistaken maybe when I was a kid but I just got out so no I've never climbed a tree this big at that!" I pouted

"Using the  lab for excused tsk I never knew you were like that mum told me my little sister was pretty smart" Enzo smirked "now hang on I am pretty smart I memorised my way around the lab while being locked up!"I exclaimed
"I thought you escaped with help" Enzo raised a brow "I-I did in a way" I began then sighed "see I was right" Enzo chucked "think what you want" i muttered annoyed

Silence fell among us as I looked out into the forest beyond the stars seemed to glitter in the night sky and the moon shone down on the silent forest a small breeze blew past making me smile slightly "it's calm tonight! Enzo said sitting down next to me "is it always like this?" I asked "most if the time" Enzo replied

"ENZO!" A voice from below called "Come down right now where the hell is the girl!" "Oh uncle you're finally here" Enzo smiled "I said where is the-" I cut him off "right here!" I called down "Elysia where were you" I herd Zack call "I was just taking a walk calm down" I told him as I saw his small figure among the shadows.

I had to say heading down a tree was much easier then going up maybe it would have been easier to use my gift to get down so I have it a shot I landed beside Enzo who reached the bottom of the tree first "what took you so long?" Saber asked "was waiting for this one to catch up" Enzo smiled "excuse me!" I slapped him on the head "ow! Sorry"Enzo exclaimed  "you two seem close all of a sudden" Saber looked at me suspiciously "turns out she's my younger twin sister she survived the village attack from what she knows is Skyler is dead and so is Xavier" Enzo explained "wait how did you figure this out" Saber asked Enzo pointed to his mind "who are her parents?" Saber asked "there names were Skyler, and Xavier" I cut in "Skyler... I knew she had another child but isn't she dead?" Saber muttered "the village was burnt down mother couldn't escape and father got stabbed I was meant to take cover and I thought the fight was over but I was wrong and got taken away" I explained "then how did Skyler look like?" Saber asked "kinda like you just no black shades in her hair and pure blue eyes father looks like me black hair hot pink eyes" I pointed out Saber frowned "we can't be sure" "what do you mean we can't!" "Skyler and Xavier were well known" Saber crossed his arms "then let's ask Kayla if she can use a flower to find out!" Enzo challenged "sure why not" Saber grumbled "well then time to head back I'll take watch" Zack looked up at me "who's Skyler and Xavier and is it true that Enzo is you're brother you do look alike" "my parents and most likely my twin" I explained "t-Twin! But wait you never told me!" Zack exclaimed I smiled slightly "I didn't talk much al together I don't like to think about the past" I smiled at him "why not?" Zack asked "now that I think about it... why did you not want to escape?" Zack asked quietly Saber and Enzo were just a few meters away and I was pretty sure they could hear us "I have my reasons" I shrugged "that's not and answer" Zack muttered I shrugged walking quicker "But what was the reason?" Zack asked trying to keep up "nothing" i grumbled "Elysia!" Zack called but I headed up into the tree's still going in the same direction as the rest I remembered the way back easily leaping off the branch when I reached the entrance "you sure are fast"

I turned to see Enzo "how the-" before I got cut of by him "ahem I was trained for this stuff" I sighed "well let's head in" Enzo smirked "yea let's" I smiled slightly back we walked through the gates as I headed straight to the healing hut "you guys are back I was so worried!" Kayla exclaimed "plus what was his name oh Miles he was pretty angry and then collapsed and Aurora had to help me well she helped me a little since grandmother still isn't back from visiting Father"

"She still isn't back didn't she go after the meeting?" Enzo asked "yea I'm actually starting to get worried..." Kayla muttered "I'll go check for you after! You can tell us if there is a way to prove weather she's my sister or not" Enzo smiled "you know I can I did it with Crovus and Saber" Kayla rolled her eyes I saw her lift up a finger as a stem twisted around her ring finger and a pure white flower popped up one I hadn't seen before well to be honest I didn't know much about flowers she handed it to me I looked at it confused

'How can a flower tell if we're related?' I thought
"Ok prick the tip of you're finger with it" Kayla ordered and I did as the flower stayed the same I saw Enzo do the same as the flower took in the small drop of blood the edges of the flower turned red glowing for a second two lights shot out a pink and blue light "yup looks like you're related" Kayla smile I turned to see two of the same coloured lights coming from Enzo's flower "see I told you" Enzo smirked "I never said I didn't believe you the village leader did" I pointed out "I'm gonna go show him you coming?" Enzo asked I looked at the healers hut "yea" I nodded after a small amount of silence "great let's go"

Saber didn't seem to be all that shocked but I could say he was happy in a way

"Call me uncle" the village leader was rambling on "I can't believe Skyler's child survived oh I should explain how things work you're staying right? Good now..." he kept on going

'Should I explain that Im not staying?' I thought 'maybe for now it's ok but if the humans get closer I'll leave immediately at least Zack and the others are safe'

"Oh that reminds me have you seen grandmother?" Enzo asked "ah I think she went out into the forest with Lux" Saber looked thoughtful "you mean the lady who works at the healers hut?" I asked "yes her she' not really my-our grandmother" he corrected "but she's close to one" I nodded to show I understood "but what's she doing out at night?" Enzo muttered "should we go check?" I asked "I think it's for the best"

We set off into the forest once again it was silent and calm but something was off I herd a clang sound like a sword hitting another metal object I stopped "what's wrong?" Enzo asked "something's off" i muttered "what do you mean?" He asked "Don't you hear it" i muttered "no" he replied I looked around using my danger senses "Quick get someone she's badly injured!" I herd a familiar voice "there's nothing-" "it's the lady" I said blinking a few times "what?" Enzo looked confused "follow me" I said "guess you know what you're doing" Enzo grumbled as we went in the opposite direction the sounds were getting louder "how the hell did you hear this from there!" Enzo asked "danger sense" I smirked as we landed next to the lady and who I guessed was Lux was standing next to her. Blood stained the floor as the smell of the dead filled my nose once again i froze a young girl maybe seven like max was bleeding badly her breath coming in gasps she reminded me of something the way she was holding her arm "what's wrong with her?" Enzo asked "I don't know I've never seen this before!" the lady exclaimed she let out a small scream "no!" She yelled holding her head I looked at her "the poison" i muttered "it's no use she's dying" "what do you mean?" Enzo asked "the people that are poisoned are likely not to survive especially if you were given a high dose of it Im guessing they wanted to get rid of her so they made the most painful death" I explained

"why would they do that?" This time Lux asked I shrugged "who knows there humans" "help it hurts there dead all dead! I can't die I don't want to end up like them!" the girl sobbed "I'm finally out!" Then letting out coughs of blood "there's gotta be something" the old lady looked thoughtful "maybe there is out here but you won't have much time" I said "how do you know this?" Enzo asked I stayed silent "how else would I know" I muttered after a while "that room you saw it's the place they put the poisoned people some rot some leave with that memory stuck in there head so ether way it's bad"

"Are you able to numb the pain?" I asked the old lady she nodded the girl stopped crying "I can't move" she muttered "the poison is still there" I said crouching down "wh-who are you?" She asked "someone like you" I smiled

"Like me?" She asked "let's say I escaped a few weeks ago" "you mean the kids that escaped and made the lab go into a wild panic giving other kids the advantage" The girl asked "guess that's us" I smiled "how old are you?" I asked "ten" she whispered "ten gosh you're short" I said sounding shocked the girl giggled "how long have you been there?" I asked "four years since i was seven" the girl muttered "it's not that long" I smiled "what do you mean it's ages" the girl said suprised "I've been there since I was six seven years now" I inhaled sharply "sounds like the person that was next door to me he had been there since he was six as well" she muttered "really what's his name?" I asked


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