Chapter 5

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Everything was black a
pitch sound was ringing in my ear
Everything was blurry i remember the fire a huge fire
The suffocating smell of smoke that reminded me of the village
'Hygift" the sneering voice said

'Gifted'.  'Humans'.   

What happened?

I opened my eyes sitting up "gah" I was met with a splitting head ache

"Stop don't move!" There was a panicked voice "you're injured"
I looked up to see a girl around my age she had wavy white hair and crystal clear eyes I shrugged her arm off defensively and glared at her 

"ah Sorry I shouldn't have done that without introduction" the girl smiled "I'm Kayla a healer a gifted person like you" "not all gifted can be trusted" i sneered she seemed taken aback "ah the human spies yes well you have a point there but I don't intend to do anything bad a friend of mine found you in the forest you see you're probably the fourth person this week at first it was a young boy and a girl with healing powers badly injured *tsk* then you and you're Friend it's dangerous around those parts of the forest humans have made camp there" I stayed silent looking around it was like a small healing hut herbs on shelf's beds with injured people well the only other injured person would be Miles

'Wait where am I!?' I leaped out of the bed 'that gifted person! Could I be back in the lab!? No surely not the lab looks nothing like this can I really trust this person?" Hundreds of possible thoughts were running through my mind "you're at the forest tribe" said an old voice I turned to see an old lady "ah grandmother!" The girl Kayla ran up to the old lady "looks like the patient has woken up call that young boy who claimed to know her it'll be easier for her to trust us then" the old lady ordered "where am I?" I asked defensively 'what the hell is an old lady doing here if this is a lab so I'm not at the lab' I concluded "you are in the forest tribe" "the forest tribe" i muttered that name sounded familiar 'mother I remembered hearing her say that name once... she was talking about someone named 'Saber' if I remember isn't the firest tribe my home!? I don't remember much mother used to tell me about it so I can guarantee this place was safe but is it still? I mean it's been seven years and mum and father are dead plus if it was safe why did we move was the only question that mother never answered.

Now I was annoyed I knew nothing of this place only that this used to be Mother and Father's home and that I only know a bit about it let's try and remembered what I know...

So I decided on that I sat on the bed cross legged for what felt like an hours

"Arghh Dumb humans!" I yelled out of frustration "all I can remember is a few things here and there!" I lay down with a sigh trying to remember the conversations I had with my parents.

Seven years back age:5

"Yes?" The familiar soft voice replied  "I herd dad telling you maybe it's time we went back went back to where?" I asked "the village of course" my mother smiled warmly "you mean the Forest tribe?" I asked "yes" my mother nodded "what is the tribe like and why did we leave?" I looked up with curiosity *sigh* "times are changing" my mother replied "you sound like the baker" I giggled "oh really how so?" My mother asked "she always says times are changing young one times are changing things will get worse" i replied "well she's right" my mother sighed "ok but what is the forest tribe like?" I asked "the trees are tall the weather Is usually nice the village leader is kind my older brother Saber you're uncle lives there and so does many of my friends like Crystalline she's a sweet girl I herd she has a daughter you're age oh and so does you're brother" My mother said as if she was in another place "I have a brother?" I asked  "oh yes he looks just like you same black hair only two years older"  My mother smiled softly "why isn't he here with us?" I said out of curiosity "because he had some important training to do he got his gift and had to learn how to control it" "his gift.... When will I get my gift?" "Next year or so" my mother replied "I hope I get a good one" i muttered "I'm sure you will"

Then I had a horrible memory my mothers burnt body under the house rubble and there was screeches coming from all around me kids shouting my friends being dragged off the baker being shot my father on a rampage a guard grabbed me by the shoulder "mum!" I screeched "mum no mum!"

"Elysia!" I herd my fathers shocked voice "*argh*" I watched everything in flashes the smell of smoke filling my lungs.



'Fire!' Was my first thought I looked around a candle was flickering through the darkness 'just a candle idiot' I told myself sitting up it was still late I turned to see Miles awake and sitting up "Miles!" I exclaimed
"Elysia"  he looked up from his spot a shadow forecast his eyes "it doesn't make sense" he muttered "huh?" I tilted my head "the boy he had a gift and was working for the humans who would do that!" Miles grumbled "plus where are we?" "The forest tribe" i explained "what's that?" Miles looked confused "it's a tribe deep in the forest I remember my mother telling me about it when I was a kid it's funny this was we're my mother grew up actually I was meant to come back here but on that day they burnt down the village " I said standing up brushing my hand against the walls "it's annoying" I smiled bitterly "I want to burn the humans and crush them like they did to my life and my parents and everyone else I knew but it's impossible" "how so?" Miles asked "how!?" I turned to him "I was trapped there for seven years I'm still traumatised by everything I was six I can still shivers seeing a human like one look at them and I'll be back in that hell we may be free but we can still be hunted down no one's free until this war ends and to end the war we need to kill the king and to kill the king we need to break the capital and get past the guards and..." I paused and sighed  "it's impossible" "not if you have the right people for the job I bet this tribe has the same feeling" Miles pointed out "who doesn't" I grumbled "we should be safe for now or you should at least I should get out of here as soon as possible if the humans are after me god knows what will happen" Miles stayed silent "let's get some rest" I shook my head "sorry for venting my anger I just had a thought"

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