Chapter 10

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"Alex" the girl said with a smile
I paused  "Alex?"

"Yea do you know him?" The girl asked I stayed silent "maybe I'm not sure" I said with a tight smile "he tried to escape from what I herd two years ago that they killed him.. then they changed my room" the girl muttered "and this year they figured out the third test I tried to escape since I was meant to be next but then I" she coughed "the" I could see she was in shock "yea that room" I nodded she looked at me wide eyed "what's you're name?" She asked "Elysia" I smiled "I'm guessing you're Willow" she gasped "no way! So you do know Alex!" She exclaimed "yea" I nodded it fell silent "I'm dying aren't I?" She asked I sighed "yea" "hey you can't just!-" Enzo got cut off "at least I won't go back" she muttered "and I won't die in that room and I get to see Alex and everyone else" she smiled "it was nice to meet you I never thought I'd speak to someone else outside" the girl smiled I listened as her breath's become shorter and soon stopped.

"What was that about you literally just had a conversation!" Enzo exclaimed I sighed "better than crying about wanting to live when it's pointless at least she had her mind on something else before dying"

"Bye the way who's Alex?" Enzo asked "a friend that's no longer in this world is all I'm going to say" i muttered "didn't know I'd ever meet Willow in real life I'm glad I did though" I stood up stretching the old lady looked at me "you seemed good with this stuff have you ever done it before?" She asked "nope" I smiled "anyways I think we should head back if you don't want to I am"  "ah wait I'll come" Enzo said as we walked back "what's the room?" He asked after we were well away I stayed silent "the room that you saw in my mind with all the dead bodies" i muttered "they put the poisoned in there some may be already injured some may just die because if it I'm not sure how those people got in there but it stinks of death and that girl had been dying there I wonder how she got out"

"An arm band broke of her wrist and she teleported here" Enzo explained "I saw it a few seconds before we came" he muttered "wow she sure was lucky if only that happened with me" I chuckled bitterly "hey you ok?" Enzo asked "yea" I sighed we reached the village entrance as I headed straight to the healing hut "see you tomorrow?" I asked "yea but maybe after my training" Enzo nodded his head "I might train myself who knows maybe well since I'm here plan to go out in the forest for a bit" I shrugged "sure but be carful when you reach the moors the villagers and the humans are battling there I might join the next battle" Enzo muttered "battle?" I asked "the humans are trying to enter the forest and the village is protecting it we go in groups and fight them away since there are some gifted helping the humans I herd there's a group coming from the south they might enter the forest I plan to join the group and fight who knows maybe you could come though usually the village leader picks who gets to go" Enzo explained  "sounds cool but I don't think I've learnt enough about my gift just yet" I said Enzo nodded waving good bye.

I sat on the bed looking at my feet "why didn't you tell me that you suspected they let us go on purpose" I herd a raging voice I turned to see Aurora and Zack as well as an angry Miles "let's talk about this later" I looked away "later!Later! We've got to talk about this now!" Miles exclaimed "Miles calm down" Aurora whispered "about what They killed Jasper!" Miles yelled "keep you're voice down we'll talk about it tomorrow in the forest" I said I felt Miles glare at me

I lay down in bed 'Miles is furious' I thought with a sigh 'can't blame him i hid a lot of things'

Enzo's pov

I sat up from my bed 'still can't be I have a sister' I thought
"Enzo!" I herd a voice call from the window

'Drax' I thought with a tired sigh Drax was Kayla's older brother and my childhood friend "Coming!" I yelled throwing on a white short sleeved shirt and black pants "finally you're late!" Drax exclaimed "Father is going to kill you!" "Mr Lux will have to deal with it" i muttered Drax sighed "I tried to help but he sent me to get you" I paused "s-sent you to get m-me" i stammered Drax winced "yes.." 'Shit! This is bad really bad if he was sent I'm gonna be stuck doing the worst things in class!' My thoughts panicked 'maybe I should skip! Impossible he won't let a student skip ok then run at least get a few minutes late not and hour!' I dashed for the forest leaping through the tree's I paused in the clearing wooden swords were hanging on the rail as dummy's were set up every student was in a line

"Enzo!" A sharp voice called a flinched "You're late" "sorry mr" I bowed "I had something to do" "really? Are you sure you didn't just wake up?" The teacher looked down at me "sorry" I whispered "one hundred" He said sharply "y-yes" i stammered "one hundred push up's and sword swings now!" He yelled I grabbed a wooden sword and begun to swing it around "put more force into it I see you're lacking off!" he barked "where were you yesterday after the meeting! Did you finish or even start the assignment!"

'This is going to be one annoying morning' I thought

Elysia's pov

I sighed walking out into the forest Miles was much ahead and Aurora was avoiding me 'to much happened to remember about Jasper' I thought with a frown we reached a small lake "CARE TO EXPLAIN NOW!?" He yelled angrily "what exactly do you know! What did you mean by they let us escape who the hell is you're friend that died and why didn't you tell us that you suspected Jasper's death!" Miles exclaimed he glared at me "I told you what it was already I'm a hygift and so is Zack it's not easy to get in you're possession being there for seven years is even better for the humans that is Zack had only been a year they let us escape im not sure if the reason though it was to easy... they mind controlled Jasper into killing himself it could be a warning that there after us all were all gonna die that man that attacked us..." I explained calmly "and who my friend was is non of anyones business" I turned to him "does that mean there gonna kill us?" Zack whispered "probably but most likely not you" I nodded to Zack "you're safest here they don't have enough info on you since you were there only a year" "what about us?" Aurora asked "you and miles may be safe as well" I muttered thinking "then what about you?" Miles finally said I could see him clench his fist I shook my head "nope I'm definitely not safe" "what are you trying to say?" He asked "I plan to leave" I said straight forward "leave to where!" Zack exclaimed "somewhere far probably hide out for now it's only a plan if they get closer I will" I nodded my head "what so you plan to just leave without saying a word?" Miles asked "maybe" I shrugged "that's not an answer!" He yelled "keep it down!" Aurora said "I already said I'll figure things out" i muttered "you make it sound like there only after you!" Miles exclaimed "because they are Miles they'll kill you guys without second thought they've killed hundreds already yesterday I met an old friends roommate or what ever you'll call it she had been poisoned and dying she was ten! Imagine what they'll do to you guys as well last thing we need is getting caught again and all end up dying! Jaspers dead Alex is gone already Willow was poisoned and didn't make it through!" I said raising my voice a little "who the hell is Alex and Willow!" He shouted "at least explain what happened then we might have a hint!" "Then you'll be caught up in it as well!" I yelled back "so what!?" He exclaimed "we escaped together we may as well keep going together!" "You guys can but I can't!" I yelled "why not!?" He argued "I just told you why!" I protested "it didn't make sense!" He shouted "it doesn't have to its common sense!" I yelled back "both of you stop fighting!" Aurora tried to cut in "guys someone's coming!" Zack tried Miles grabbed me by the collar "what type of common sense when you plan to just walk into some unknown place and figure thing out!" "The common sense of not putting others in danger!" I yelled "how is it putting us in danger!" "Because-" "because what!?" He can't me off "if one friend died it doesn't mean the rest will!" "Are you sure about that!" I asked "huh?" Miles released his grim "Alex died first then Jasper if I had predicted sooner they had the mics in the room he wouldn't have died and if I had predicted that they let us go on purpose then Jasper would still be here so now I predicting that if I don't leave were all in danger though I'm waiting for a sign that this prediction is right but every time I do someone dies so I'm not waiting anymore I've got to leave Miles" I said "then we're coming" Zack said "you can't!" I exclaimed "why not! If we go by option then it's our own fault if we die" Zack grumbled "there's a difference!" I shouted "look you guys are safe and away that's all we need to know that we're out they may have let us go on purpose or maybe by accident but we can avoid this stuff enough of the stupid excuses you know and so do I know that it's for the best!" I yelled "so what if it's for the best what if you get caught!?" Miles finally used that excuse "I'll find a way to escape!" I replied "you've been there for seven years if I hadn't convinced you you wouldn't have went plus how do you plan to escape alone what if they don't give you a chance!" He protested "That's for me to figure it out!" I argued "how do you plan to figure it out it's best if we stick together" he said turning around  "I told you I can't!" I shouted "you're excuses aren't valid it's just a hunch!" He muttered turning his head his blue eyes glaring at me "I've made up my mind already!" "And what about us!?" Miles said launching himself at me I dodged "that's for you guys to figure out but for now I know what I'm going to do" I replied as I retaliated  "is this how you want to do it?" Mikes asked I snorted "you started it!"

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