Chapter 10

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"Regulus Arcturus Black get your wand away from him right now!" Lyra shouts as she storms over to the group. Her wand was tight in her hand and she managed to get in between Sirius and Regulus.

She held her wand just below his chin and managed to back him up against the wall. Regulus could tell that she was pissed off but he wouldn't back down.

"You leave the Marauders alone or so help me, I will hex you myself." She says through gritted teeth.

The marauders had never seen Lyra so fierce before so this shocked all of them. Her cheeks were slightly red and her hand ached from holding her wand so tightly.

"You wouldn't dare, you're too scared to." Regulus replies with a sneer. That made Lyra's blood boil, she knew he was right but he didn't need to rub it in like that.

Whatever they felt for each other disappeared.

Just because he thought that she wouldn't though, that made her incline towards doing it even more.

Lyra moves to raise her wand, however someone comes from her side and pulls her arm behind her back.

"Think about what you're about to do and whether it's worth it." A calm and collected voice comes from her right side. Remus.

"Let me go, I can fight my own battles."

"Really? Because you didn't fare so well against me that night." Remus reminds her.

"You had an unfair advantage, you were a werewolf...and I wasn't trying to fight you. This one though, I want to prove a point." Lyra says whilst holding Regulus under a glare.

There was obviously a gesture from behind Lyra that told Regulus to leave but he didn't go without a victory. Remus had let go of Lyra and wandered back to the others which left Regulus open to tease her.

"This isn't over little Harp. Sometime soon, you will come to realise that you can't beat me." He whispers close to her ear. She wanted to chase after him, to show him wrong, but what he'd made her body go rigid and she tried to hide the flustered look on her cheeks.

Regulus walked away with a smirk and Lyra just slowly turned towards the others. She slowly walked over still a bit flustered. Once she reached the group, she took a deep breath.

"Listen I know you guys like realllly hate me right now..." She starts as she looks up at the others. They are waiting in anticipation. "...but I may have convinced Minnie to let us continue with our monthly task."

She suddenly got enveloped in a massive hug from all four boys. After they'd let go of her, Sirius ruffled her hair and all walked back to the common room together.

When they entered the common room, all smiling and acting like best friends again, it confused the girls. Lily especially. When Lyra flopped onto the sofa and lent against James' side, Lily gave her a look.

"So how come you're all buddy buddy again? I thought you didn't like Lyra anymore." She asks with a tone of annoyance in her voice.

"Well considering I managed to convince Minnie to let me, James, Sirius and Peter continue with our monthly task....I'd say that I'm appreciated again." Lyra says with a steely glaze in her eyes.

That kept Lily quiet. The group had a long discussion about anything and everything. Unfortunately the topic of Regulus came up. Lyra all of a sudden felt unsettled.

"Sooooo, sis, how come you had a blush on your cheeks after Reggie left?" James asked teasingly. Everyone suddenly had their attention on Lyra.

"Uh, oh, um-" Lyra stuttered. She couldn't let them know what Regulus had called her. Or that she had a crush on him.

"Woah, chill I'm teasing, it was probably still the anger on your cheeks." James says with a laugh.

This made all the other marauders laugh, but whilst everyone was distracted, Sirius gave Lyra a look. He nodded his head towards the portrait entrance and stood up. Lyra followed after him.

"What is it Sirius?" Lyra asks whilst making sure no one can over hear them. Brushing her hair behind her ears, she looks back at Sirius.

"Thank you for earlier, Reggie has always been a bit...well, difficult." He says with a sigh. Lyra could sense a 'but' coming so she waited.

"However, that said, I wouldn't tell anyone if you ever wanted to talk about a certain 'crush' you may have." He says with a smirk. Lyra even felt herself smile at that and briefly nodded her head.

"Thank you." She says with a smile.

Heading upstairs to her dormitory, Lyra lets out a small squeal as she falls onto her bed. Reggie may have tried to hurt her friends but the truth is, she still very much has a crush on him.

When the other girls come up, they all chat for a bit before getting changed. Once they're dressed all of them head to sleep.

Little did Lyra know, but Reggie had the same confrontation from his cousins when he got back to Slytherin common room earlier. So the entire Black family knows that either one of them has a crush on the other.

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