Chapter 12

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"Woah, okay, what's going on and why are you hugging me? You never hug me." Sirius laughed slightly nervously.

The other marauders looked as shocked as he was. Lyra wouldn't let go of him and she was so close to falling to the floor. She couldn't stop crying and her entire body was shaking.

"Lyra, you need to tell us what's wrong. Otherwise we can't help you..." He says carefully, looking at the others as Lyra holds her arms around him tighter.

"I...I can't, y-you'll hurt him." Lyra mumbles as she buried her head against Sirius so that no one can see her.

Sirius looks at James who looks about ready to murder whoever did this. Taking a quick glance at everyone else, Sirius becomes...well very serious about this situation.

"Who exactly would we hurt, Lyra?" He says in a firm tone.

Lyra finally looks up and her eyes are red. She stands back and looks at her feet. She mumbles something that is incoherent to Sirius and she knows it.

"Reggie." She says louder.


He hurt her? He did this to the person that he has a crush on? Sirius was confused and slightly worried. What did he do?

"Lyra....what did Regulus do?" James asks really slowly so that he keeps his anger in check.

"He, um....he tried forcing me to kiss him..." She whispers. Lyra was very hesitant and didn't want anyone to get in trouble.

"He what?! That is it, Sirius you coming with me?" James says firmly as he grabs his wand and makes his way towards the portrait entrance.

Sirius doesn't even hesitate in grabbing his wand and following James out of the common room. Before closing the portrait, Sirius looks at the other marauders.

"Make sure she stays here, and if she leaves. Follow her." He says firmly. After that the portrait closes.

It takes Lyra a while to figure out what's going on and by the time she does, it's too late. She grabs her wand and follows them out.

Remus chases after her but Lyra gets to the hall that the boys were at first. The Great Hall. Crap. Sirius and James had Regulus cornered. They both had their wands aimed at him and Regulus didn't look scared at all.

"Stop! I told you I didn't want you to do this." She says as she tries to pull Sirius' arm down.

He uses his other hand to grab her hand and pull her behind him. Out of view of Reggie and possible wand fire.

"I told you to keep her in the common room." Sirius says to Remus without looking away from Regulus.

"I tried but she ran before we realised. Listen Sirius, I know you hate him right now but it's not worth it." Remus explains calmly.

He takes Lyra by the hand and pulls her back towards the Great Hall entrance. They were just about to leave when Lyra heard something crash against a table. Turning around, she saw James on the floor and Regulus with his wand out.

"Remus." The tone in her voice said it all and Remus just nodded.

Walking past Sirius, Lyra threw a spell at Regulus. Spell after spell which he kept avoiding. But he couldn't avoid them for long. Soon enough, she wore him down and she finally hit his chest.

The stupefy spell hit him hard and he fell to the floor almost instantly.

"I told you that I'd beat you. Never hurt my family." She says before walking back towards Remus.

Later on that afternoon, Sirius, James and Lyra had a visit from Professor McGonagall. She came into the common room as they were all talking.

"Hey it's Minnie. What can we do for you?" Sirius says with a smirk.

"Mr Black I have told you not to call me that. I need to talk to you and both Mr and Miss Potter." She says firmly.

The three of them look at each other with cautious glances. Following Minnie, they all sit in her office. Lyra vividly remembers her last meeting in this office.

"I understand that there was an attack on both Mr Potter and Mr Black in Slytherin. Am I correct?" Nobody had noticed that Regulus was also in the office.

This caused Lyra to panic and she turned to face Minnie.

"Regulus started the attack first. He stunned James and I stunned him back. There was a very good reason behind it professor." Lyra explained quickly, wanting to get out of this office.

"Well then please explain." Minerva says simply.

Lyra looked at James and Sirius. Then reluctantly at Regulus.

"Regulus tried forcing me to kiss him and I wasn't comfortable so I went back to the common room. I told my friends what had happened and then James and Sirius went to talk with him. I followed them and watched as Regulus turned his wand on them as they were trying to talk peacefully. He attacked without a cause professor." Lyra explains without hesitation.

She just lied.

She lied to keep them out of trouble.

Everyone involved looked shocked. However James and Sirius were quick to catch on with the plan. They both explained what 'really' happened and it got Regulus in even more trouble.

After the meeting, Regulus was given detention and the three marauders were clear to go back to their common room. However Lyra couldn't get over one thing.

She had twisted reality to fit her explanation.

She had lied and it wasn't for a good reason.

It was for her own personal gain.

Feathers: The tale of the forgotten MarauderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα