Chapter 14

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"Honestly Marlene, I just want to forget about it. It hasn't affected me at all." Lyra said with a fake smile plastered on her face. It was an obvious lie and the other Marauders knew it too.

Remus went to say something but both James and Sirius gave him a look that kept him quiet. After lunch, Lyra finished her classes and went to leave Charms class.

As she entered the corridor, she immediately turned in the opposite direction of Gryffindor Tower. Regulus was talking to his fellow Slytherin friends in front of the staircase that she needed to go up.

Going the opposite way wasn't as quick but it kept her away from the person threatening violence on her. Walking as fast as she could, she found the corridor where the Fat Lady's portrait was.

Just as she stepped into the corridor, a familiar voice came from her right.

"Going somewhere Potter?" The familiar voice drawled. She could just hear the smirk in his tone.

She stiffened almost instantly. Snape. If she was fast enough, McGonagall's office was less than a minute away. But there was no guarantee that she would be there.

"What do you want Severus?" Tackling the problem head on. Risky but the only option.

"You and I both know that you lied about Regulus' attack on your prancing brother. I could easily tell your head of house what really happened. And I have more than one person to back me up on that." He sneered.

"And what will you get out of it? Regulus hardly likes you, in fact I don't think he even acknowledged your existence." She snapped back, her wand was in her pocket should Snivellus start anything.

Severus saw this in her face and drew first. If she moved, it was over, he would stun her faster and he would probably have a plausible story behind it as well.

"I just want to go back to my common room and do my homework." Lyra said slowly.

Severus wasn't taking that as an excuse. She doesn't know what spell it was, but she was attacked with a sudden burning on her wrist which made her drop her bag.

Snape left and Lyra was in so much pain that she had to sink to her knees. Pulling her sleeve up, she sees that her entire left wrist is red and raised. It stings and trying to touch it would make it worse.

Gritting her teeth, she grabs her bag and pulls her sleeve down. Walking back to the common room, she acts as if nothing happened. Finding the Marauders, she sits on the floor in front of the sofa.

They're all in the middle of a conversation so Lyra takes the chance to complete her homework. Eventually they spot her and James looks at her.

"Soooo, sis, are you sure you don't want to talk about the whole Regulus trying to kiss you thing?" He says casually, it's like he's trying to make it sound like a normal topic.

At least Lily hadn't told them about Severus threatening her.

"Yes I'm sure, nothing has happened so far, has it?" Lyra replies quickly.

She turned around to face the group and hit her wrist on the table at the same time. Biting back the pain, she accidentally lets out a small intake of breath.

"Are you okay? You never get hurt from that table." Remus asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah just...hit the bone that's all." She lied again.

Grabbing her bag, she takes it to her dorm and comes back down. Sirius is waiting at the bottom of the stairs with his arms crossed over his chest and leaning against the railing.

"You're hiding an injury." He states simply.

Lyra goes to respond but gets cut off.

"Don't try lying, I've done the same thing many times before. Show me." He says. This time there was a slight authority in his voice as well as concern.

Lyra was hesitant. If he went after someone again, she couldn't lie for him again to protect him. He took her wrist in his hand, not forcefully but slowly.

Even that slight touch made her wrist burn again and she took another sharp intake of breath.

He pulled her sleeve up carefully and examined the burn.

"What is this? Who did this?" He asked as he let go of her wrist.

"I don't know. I won't tell you." Lyra responds to the questions.

"Listen Lyra, either you tell me, or you tell McGonagall. Either way, the group is finding out. We're your family." He says firmly.

Lyra looked at him for a moment and then looked down at the stairs. Thinking it through, she made a decision. Looking back up at Sirius, she made her choice.

"I'm not telling anyone, I can't let you or anyone else go and attack who did this. Because this time I can't lie for you again. They already have a plausible story and people who they've manipulated into going against me." She says simply.

The look on Sirius' face was murderous.

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