Chapter 13

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Lyra felt like she'd cheated her way out of punishment. It was eating at her because of what she had done. Her entire school life, she had made sure that she told the truth and stayed out of trouble. She made sure she never got caught when pulling pranks with the Marauders. Something had changed in that moment. Something not good.

"Wow Lyra, looks like your true marauder side came out then. Deceiving Minnie into believing that false truth you made up...impressive." Sirius said with a smirk.

That's what happened, she'd let herself be manipulated by the lies that the marauders pride themselves on.

She'd lost her true self.

The entire way back to the common room, Lyra was in silence. She was so shocked at the way that she had handled the situation that she didn't know what to think of herself.

Once they sat down on the sofas in the common room, Lyra was still zoned out. It wasn't until James waved his hand in front of Lyra's face, that she returned to reality. Looking around she saw the others watching her with confused looks.

"Um, what?" She asks with a hesitant tone to her voice. Lyra knew what it was about, but she'd rather not discuss it.

"You're just going to ignore everything that has happened today?" Remus whispered. He almost sounded guilty.

The rest of the group were as curious as Remus sounded. All of them waited for a response but when they got one, it wasn't the type that they wanted.

"It's late, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'll speak to you all tomorrow morning." Lyra mumbled before walking up the stairs to her dormitory.

There was a collected groan from the group as she left. James looked at Sirius with a powerless gaze. They weren't sure if they had done something wrong...or if it was Regulus' fault. Whatever it was, they could sense the start of a change in Lyra.

The next morning, Lyra practically ignored everyone. She went to breakfast with them but once she had finished eating, she made her way straight to Potions. Lyra loved potions. Professor Slughorn was probably one of her favourite teachers. She was in a class with Lily and Severus.

Somehow, Severus always knew everything that was going on in Lyra and James' lives. It was terrifying.

Wandering into Potions class, Lyra took her usual seat next to Lily. Their cauldrons were out and Professor Slughorn was writing the potion ingredients on the chalkboard. Someone came up behind Lyra and leaned over her shoulder.

"I heard someone lied about what happened in the Great Hall. Would be a real shame if someone told the actual truth." Lyra could identify that drawling voice anywhere. Snivellus.

He walked away before she could say anything to him.

Lyra's attention was soon caught by Professor Slughorn explaining the lesson plan for that day. They were making a Calming Draught. Lyra made notes as he spoke and soon enough it was time for the practical half of the lesson. She was always the quickest at completing the potions so it was no surprise to Slughorn that she had finished before the rest of the class.

"It's no surprise to me Miss Potter that you are already finished. And it's a perfect potion. You may bottle it up and leave." Slughorn says with a smile.

Lyra finished bottling her potion and packed up her things. She said goodbye to Lily and went to leave the classroom. As she turned around, she realised that she would need to walk past a group of Slytherins, including Severus.

Taking a deep breath, Lyra walks towards the door. She could hear them whispering as she walked past.

"Watch your back Potter." Lucius Malfoy hissed as she opened the door.

Lyra had the next few sessions free so she chose to go to the library and learn a few new spells and potions. She was fine being in the library until an unwelcome person came and sat at the same table as her.

Regulus sat opposite her and instantly, Lyra started to pack her things away. As she was putting her notebook in her bag, Regulus grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into her seat. He had a very annoyed expression about him and Lyra was slightly terrified.

"I told you to stay away from me." Lyra stated firmly. She got out of her seat but so did Regulus. Unfortunately this meant that he was blocking her way and she couldn't leave the library.

"You lied to Professor McGonagall yesterday. I'm in so much trouble and no one else out of your band of misfits has been punished. I am going to make your life hell Potter." That's all he said and then he left, meaning Lyra could leave the library and head to the Great Hall for lunch.

Once she had sat down at Gryffindor table, Lyra still felt slightly shook after both Regulus and Severus threatening violence on her. It could be seen on her face obviously because Marlene leant over the table slightly and put her hand over Lyra's.

"Whoever tries to harm you has another thing coming for them. We won't let anyone hurt you for standing up for yourself and others." She says with her signature smirk.

If anyone hadn't known better, their immediate thought would be to think that Marlene and Sirius were siblings because of how similar their thought processes are.

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