Chapter 5: The Good, The Bad, and The Lovestruck

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[A/N: Quick reminder that all characters except Hiyoko that are shown throughout the fic, and the fangan that it's based on itself, belong to DrewFrostStorm. He also helps proofread to see if his characters are being written as in-character as possible. Please check out the original Fangan on his profile if possible, and I thank him for making this whole thing possible in the first place! Now onto the story!]


It was all that occurred between the two females as they walked towards the western side of the island.

Neither of the two really had much that they could say to each other. Not even Hiyoko had anything in her mind to complain about.

Seeing as it was starting to get a bit awkward, Madison decided she'd at least try to get some small talk started between the two. After all, it could help pass out the time.

"Hmm... the scenery has been looking really nice, don't you think?"

"Meh..." Hiyoko shrugged and rolled her eyes. "It's all just typical tropical resort stuff. Well, I haven't really gone outside my country's range AT ALL, but I've at least heard experiences from other dummies who were willing to waste away their money like immature teenagers..."

"You should probably take this experience as a way to expand your horizons then." Madison advised her. "Take in on the sights and new things you could encounter. In all fairness, this whole thing could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, even if we had gotten here from shady circumstances."

"Look, let me be window clear to you, four eyes!" Hiyoko told her in a serious manner. "I'd probably bask into the sun on a blanket if I wanted to and had the time... but let's be honest here. Something about this place just seems fishy, almost as if it's too good to even be true! A resort place that's seemingly abandoned? No service around here? Everything seemingly in perfect condition despite the fact that only rando castaways have been around here? This has to be some sort of hostage situation or secret trap like the war giant and the spider fanatic theorized!"

"Hmm... Well, you do raise some good points there in all honesty..." Madison thought. "Perhaps this theory of theirs might happen to be more likely than we once thought..."

"Of course I did AND of course it could! I, at least, have a functioning brain!" Hiyoko bragged to herself, as Madison seemed to notice something. "But then again... these resorts aren't even complete without one of those random hotels lying around, and do I even see a single hotel around this place? No I have NOT! And would we probably see one at this rate? Highly DOUBT IT!"

"Ms. Saionji?" Madison alerted her, much to her irritation.

"What is iiiiit..?!" Hiyoko turned to her, and then noticed what Madison was trying to point out.

"You might want to put those doubts of yours to rest."

Taking a good look over the outside of the Hotel, Hiyoko was a tad thrown off, mostly due to jinxing herself. This Hotel seemed to be five stories high, and was decorated quite beautifully. In the front was a rather large fountain, with the architecture of the hotel looking both modern yet fancy. The front having an awning with eight supporting pillars to hold it all up. Due to the now incoming sunset, the building gave off a yellowish glow, and revealing rather fancy rooms with what windows weren't covered by curtains.

"Next time, remind me to keep my mouth shut whenever I jinx things like that..." The traditional dancer sarcastically told the therapist. "But either way, might as well see what's in there... I guess..."

The two walked inside the hotel, where they arrived at the lobby. Entering the Lobby of the Hotel, Hiyoko observed quietly at the sheer details of the room. Twin free floating spiral staircases that looked like DNA helixes led up presumably towards one of the many floors that the hotel seemed to have. The walls with finely carved and decorated wood, colored with gold leaf trim.

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