12. Movies

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Fox's pov:


After pacing around the nearest town for like half a decade, we finally had the idea to go see a movie. It was the least worst option, since we had no place to stay in, not much money and we were bored. I had ten dollars and Liv had five. So our options were pretty low.

The conjuring was the only film that we had money for, and it seemed to be timed perfectly for us. I had watched pretty many horror movies so I was actually happy for getting to see this one. However Liv wasn't looking so excited as I was. Her angelic blue eyes were narrowed when we were walking towards the ticket booth.

"10$ please." A dull woman voice says from inside the booth and I hand her the money, not saying anything since she seemed to have a rough day. She rolls her eyes while handing us our tickets, not even bothering to say anything near positive, like "have fun" or something.

"What a ray of sun." Livia mutters when we walk into the theatre, making me laugh. The theatre was huge, but it had very little people in. Probably due to the timing. I mean, who in their right minds would just come to the cinema to watch The Conjuring at 1 PM on a random Wednesday afternoon? We of course.

"Do you watch horror movies?" Liv asks me as we sit down, near the giant screen.

"All the time with friends, I actually love them." I answer casually.

"Really? Why?" She asks sounding confused. Her head turns to face me, eyes wide open like she actually couldn't even believe me. She's cute, without even meaningfully doing it.

"I don't really know, it's fun I guess?" I just shrug, not really knowing the answer. She frowns and turns to the screen again.

The lights start to dim, and finally the loud ads disappear from the screen. The creepy image that always comes before the actual Conjuring films started, appeared in the screen. My glance at Livia told me that she got as scared of it as much as I did when I first watched one of the Conjuring movies. That makes me smile, remembering how terrified I was too when I watched my first horror movie ages ago. Annabelle. I wonder if this is her first.

I impulsively lean towards Livia. "If it gets too scary you can always take my hand." I whisper into her ear teasingly.

"Shut up I'm not scared!" She whisper-yells to me but her eyes tell me otherwise. I can't also help but notice the faint blush that had creeped into her cheeks. Was she blushing?

Smiling, I lean back to my seat as the movie really starts.

I have watched so many horror movies that I already know when a jumpscare is going to pop up, but Livia doesn't seem to. Every damn time she lets out a small yelp and eyes widen.

Halfway through the movie, when the kid really gets into posessed mood, Liv jumps at least half a meter from her seat and grabs my hand suddenly. She squeezes it for a while but I say nothing to it, only smile to myself. Scaredy-cat.

Soon she realises what she is doing and releases my hand with a heavy sigh, probably embarrassed, but I grab her hand back. I squeeze it encouragingly and this time I'm sure of the blush seeping into her cheeks. I can't help myself but smile a bit for her reaction.

For the rest of the movie, which is surprising long, Liv holds my hand and squeezes it tightly every time something even near scary happens. And it's pretty often since it's a horror movie.

I can't lie and say that I don't like it, holding hands with her. The way she holds onto me when she's scared is precious.

But seeing her in that state today, crying in the bathroom made my heart sink for her. I wanted to make it better but I didn't know how. I don't know how. I know she thinks about it, his stupid words that she didn't deserve. I can see it in her eyes when she falls into the sadness but tries to cover it, but I don't know how to help. All I can do is hug her, she seems to like hugs. Every time I pull her against me, it feels like she relaxes and feels comfortable. That's all I can do, and it really stresses me out. It's funny how important someone can get in a short amount of time.

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