33. Sick

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The rest of the day is pure horribleness. I fight the urge to skip all my classes and go straight home to cry myself to sleep.

Because I had things to do, exercise and checking on Fox could not wait.

Which does not make my day any better, is that Dahlia has a few same classes as me. Her 'worried' glances at my way annoyed me. She was not actually worried, she was just uncomfortable with the fact that now I was skinnier than she was. For once I felt actually happy with myself, for accomplishing something so beautiful as reaching a lower weight than the model of the school.

Though she had the perfect curves, which I no longer had. But I didn't need curves to be perfect, I just needed to be skinny. Right?

All that crosses my mind as I force myself to jog my way to Fox's house. The good thing was, nowadays I was always feeling so cold that I never sweated. It wasn't probably healthy but well.

I reach his house feeling lightheaded and so dizzy that I have to sit down for a moment, on top of my jacket.

It passes thankfully in less than a minute, and I gather myself quickly. My mascara had smudged a little but it wasn't too noticeable, thank god I wore fully waterproof one today.

I take a deep breath before knocking heavily. At first, I hear nothing. Then someone saying something, and finally I hear the door beginning to open.

"Hello?" I ask and rudely push the door open to see inside.

"Who the fuck are you?" A young man, not much older than me, looking noticeably like Fox asks and studies me. This must be his brother, Tod, I figure.

"No need to be rude, I'm Fox's... uh, friend?" I say, not sure what I should say. Was he my boyfriend? Were we in a talking stage? I don't know.

"Foxy! There's a random girl at the door!" He yells upstairs. It doesn't take long before his way too good looking little brother is running down the stairs as I invite myself to their home. Not that Tod looked bad though- must be in their genes to look deadly good.

"Hey." I smile at him.

"Liv, what are you doing here?" He asks surprised.

"Checking on you." I say.

He doesn't look pleased at my answer, "I told you not to worry or come to my house."

"Well if I have no phone and you randomly just don't come to school, of course I have to check?" I shrug.

"What do you know?" Tod asks, glancing at me suspiciously.

"A lot." I answer.

"I had to tell her about them, don't be mean." Fox says to Tod, referring to their parents.

"Wait- is this the girl you told me about?" He suddenly turns to me and I wonder what Fox could've said. "Livia?"

"Hi. And you're Tod I suppose." I say more merrily than before. "I just wanted to check on Fox and that everything's alright, but, well, bye." The awkward situation makes my cheeks flush and I turn 180 degrees to leave.

"Wait, you can stay. Tod doesn't mind- do you?" Fox grabs my wrist quickly.

"Not at all." He says.

"Oh. Alright." I raise an awkward smile to my face.

All three of us head towards the living room, Fox still holding my hand in his. I am relieved he's not hurt or anything, but the awkwardness was still prickling on the air.

My stomach makes an embarrassing rumble as if begging to scream about my starving for the whole population of earth.

My cheeks grow hot and I try to breathe to make it stop but Fox glances at me, trying to study me.

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