23. Drunk

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I can't believe I'm doing this again.

Sneaking out the second time is in fact easier than the first, this time I knew exactly where to go.

I lead August, the careless guy had told me his name finally, to the back door that Eleanor had showed me last time. That way there's low chances of anyone seeing us, and we do in fact get outside easily.

Hopefully we're as lucky coming back to the hotel as now.

"Where's the nearest park?" August asks, scanning around.

"I think I have an idea." I say, remembering one park from yesterday's snuck out.

"How are you so familiar with these places?" He asks sounding suspicious.

"I snuck out last night. And don't even dare to tell anyone." I threat him. There was no point in lying, we got much easier to places this way when I didn't have to lie all the time.

"Wasn't planning on." He just shrugs.

I'm a nervous wreck. I can't even lie to myself, outside was in fact cold and if Fox was out here, he wouldn't be any good. Worry inside me just keeps growing more and more, but I try to calm myself down. Because if I don't, it'll just get harder to keep my head clear and focus.

I just want him to be okay.

We walk in silence, neither of us wanting to speak now, until we pace around near the park. Not many people were out here, only creepy looking men pacing around the corners and a few people who looked homeless. They probably were.

For this particular reason I was suddenly very pleased to have August with me, not that he'd protect me or anything, no way, but just a girl hollering around almost empty parks wasn't a very pleasant idea. Maybe it was good he tagged along.

"Fox?!" I yell out.

No answer. I yell again. And again. And many many times again.

"I'll go see if he's that way." August mutters and leaves me, wandering alone in a tree covered benches. I go the other way, shouting for Fox's name but only getting an owl whistle for return.

I search every single bit of the park, but there's no sign of Fox. Every tree I go around, I hope to find his familiar brown hair and stare into his emerald eyes again, hugging him.

But he's not here. Despair begins to shred my mind, cold breath getting caught in my throat and tears swell up in my eyes.

But there was absolutely no way I was going to give up now.

"He's not here!" I yell to August and he walks to my way.

"Where the fuck is he?" He asks, sounding a bit frightened too.

"We have to search for another park. He can't be far." I say and he nods.

"Alright then, let's go." August mutters and we begin to walk around the area. No idea where we even are, we still shout for Fox.

"Fox! Are you here?" I yell across the cold winter air.

No answer.

When we roll into the next park, the clock already points at one a.m.

"Take the left side, I'll look here." August says and I swallow my sour tears.

My hopes get up many times, seeing someone laying on the benches. But to my disappointment, none of them is the guy I want.

There are many alcohol drinkers, but no one is the one that I like. None of them would get up and hug me whenever I had a bad day, or a bad week. None of them would care about me as he did.

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