15. Truth

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Fox's pov:


"Livia!" A scream echoes from my throat. The second I catch her, her whole body goes limp.

I hold her on my lap, horrified of what just happened.

"Fox..." a quiet word escapes from her lips.

"Liv! Liv! Livia!" I try to wake her up gently, heart pounding more than it ever has. "What's wrong sweetheart? Please open your eyes." I beg her, scared to death. My breath is stuck in my throat and I feel helpless.

"What's with her?" The teacher comes to us quickly, looking startled too.

"I- I don't know, she just-" I'm unable to finish my sentence since the last word gets stuck in my throat. "Please Livia open your eyes." I beg, wanting her to be okay more than I had ever wanted anything. I didn't want anything but her to be okay, nothing else felt like mattering right now.

I stroke her hair gently, begging for her attention.

"Should we call an ambulance?" Someone asks from the back and the teacher leaves us for a moment.

"Livia, please." I beg, but this time her eyes start to flicker lightly. "Liv?" I ask, hoping for the best.

"Fox?" She mutters hoarsely and slowly opens her angelic ocean eyes.

"Is she okay?" Someone yells but I'm too shaken to even answer.

"Are you okay?" I ask her myself, still stroking her hair gently.

"Yeah." Livia nods and something like remorse flashes in her eyes. She starts to rise up slowly and I help her by having arms around her shoulders, just incase she fell again.

"What happened?" I ask, feeling a hundred thousand emotions at once, but worry was on top of all.

"I don't know." She lies. She doesn't look me in the eyes, I know she's lying.

Instead of demanding an answer, I wrap my hands around her fragile body and hug her. She buries her head against my chest and I continue to stroke her hair gently, not caring who was watching us. The only thing that I cared was that she was okay.

The moment is ruined by the fucking grumpy gym teacher running in between us, shaking Livia and demanding her that what was wrong.

"I have a lot of stress from school." She says, avoiding his gaze. Lies.

"Okay, cancel the ambulance!" He yells to the student that apparently ordered it.

"The what?" Livia screeches. "I'm fine!" She assures everyone, everyone except me. She is not fine and I used way too much time to decline it. I had to talk to her.

"We have to get you checked." I say, voice demanding.

"I'm fine, seriously." Livia mutters.

I don't wait for a positive answer, instead just grab her shoulders and yank her up. "Hey!" She yells. I don't let go, noticing how her legs weren't steady yet.

"I'll get her checked up." I say and the grumpy lets us out. Livia tries to protest but this time I'm not letting her decide.

I basically carry her to the hallway, her legs were still a bit unstable and I was afraid she'd fall if I let go.

"I don't want to get checked up." A panic in her voice startles me. 

"What?" I ask confused, stopping our walking.

"Please don't make me go there. Please Fox." She begs me with watery eyes.

"Livia you need to get this checked out, what if it's something serious? People don't just normally faint!" I ask, panicked too.

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