18. Flight

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"Everything packed?" Mom asks and examines my huge backpack that was stuffed with all kinds of clothes and stuff.

"For the millionth time, yes." I mutter. The door was open behind me, waiting for me to step out and not come back for the next five days. Today was the day that I left for Germany, and I hated it far more than I probably should've.

"Alright, call me when you get to the hotel!" Mom says and comes closer to hug me. I let her, I don't even remember when was the that we actually hugged.

"Love you." I whisper and she squeezes me hard before letting go.

"I love you too." Mom smiles as I head out, closing the door behind me.

The taxi driver, who isn't really the nicest guy around, helps me to pack my bags to the back and then proceeds to roll his eyes as I thank him for that. Rude.

We sit silently the whole drive, neither really in a talking mood. I was a nervous wreck, and he was just, well, rude. My left leg pounds up and down, like it always does when I'm anxious. I learned to do it when I first started weighing loss, just to lose even more calories.

"Can you stop that?" The driver asks and glares at my pounding leg.

I'm about to snap, but decide to keep my mouth shut since we still had half an hour to the airport, and it wouldn't be too nice to be in awkward position for the rest of the car ride.

Placing one hand to my knee helps and for the rest of the ride I just quietly munch my nails.

"Keep the change." I say and hand cash to him, like in the old times. But I felt classy doing so, so the nostalgia wasn't bad.

I pick my bags and head inside the airport. I scan for my class that was supposed to be in the waiting area, but to my surprise no one was there.

With nothing to do, and since I was the first one here I take a seat and start to go through my phone to see when Fox would get here. I didn't really care about anyone else.

Where r u? I send him.

Coming in ten minutes, he answers and I send a thumbs up to that.

More of my classmates start to pour in, before Fox and they take a seat next to me while chatting with their friends. I pretend to be looking at my phone so I wouldn't seem too embarrassingly alone.

Finally Fox comes through the door and I jump up to go greet him. Almost everyone was here, including mr. Perry who was counting us all.

"Evergreen, great that you came." He announces and smiles while scraping something on his name list.

"Hi." I mutter as he comes closer to me.

"Hey." He smiles at me. Great that someone was excited about this trip.

"Fox!" Someone screeches from a far. I turn around to see Fox's friend group, including a total of five guys.

"Hey Oliver!" Fox greets them smiling.

The group gets closer to us, everyone greeting each other and I feel embarrassed to be there.

Some tanned guy with black hair glances at me, but doesn't say a word.

"Livia." I introduce myself, not really knowing what else to say.

"I know." He says and I glance at Fox for some help.

"You know?" I ask confused.

"Fox talks about you a lot." He explains and I give a quick glance at Fox, but he's looking at something else to avoid my gaze.

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