22. Missing

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I'd gotten to the safe of my own room finally after a lot of work. Eleanor helped me get inside, and we made a plan to see each other the day after tomorrow, on Wednesday. She seemed like a really good person and finally I found someone who felt like actual friend material. My energy was hard to match, but I had felt match with Eleanor. Even though she was like fifteen years older.

I push myself to the bath, since I couldn't stand properly but still had the awful dirty feeling. This night, I'd had to come up with an excuse for my sprained ankle. I also decided that I had to take action with Fox, the tips I got from Eleanor were gold.


"Please tell me you're not asleep." A voice echoes through my door.

"Huh?" I yell back, hopping up from my bed but regretting it then immediately when my ankle feels like settling flames.

Shit, I had completely forgotten that I'd fucked my ankle up last night. Today was going to he rough.

I limp to the door, afraid of what Fox would say. Would he believe my story I'd made up?

"Morning." I mutter, morning dizzily.

"We have breakfast in five minutes, and you haven't even woken up." Fox says and scans me up and down. I blush immediately when I remember I was wearing my pink Disney Bambi pyjamas.

"I've woken up? Otherwise I wouldn't be talking to you." I mutter, trying to stop a yawn from coming.

"Well, we still have five minutes so better be quick." Fox says ignoring my statement.

I couldn't let myself get all out of shape here, it felt like losing. If I lost my thinness I'd lost a piece of myself too, and not a small piece. Being skinny felt like my personality now, stupid I know. Still, I didn't feel thin enough.
"I don't like to eat in the mornings." I just shrug carelessly.

"Do you ever like to eat?" Fox whispers and locks his emerald eyes with mine.

That gets me quiet. I can't really answer to that, can I?

"Fine." I then mutter. "But I... well, hurt my leg so I'm not sure I can come."

"Hurt your leg?" He asks, frowning and not believing me one bit.

"Yes." I say and look him in the eyes to prove my words. "I can't walk."

"You walked here?" Fox questions and stares at the space in between me and my bed.

"But it hurt." I say.

"Alright then, where does it hurt?" Fox asks, and I'm genuinely scared of having a heart attack when he suddenly sweeps me up from the floor into his arms.

My eyes widen as he carries me to my bed, putting me sit down on the edge like I weigh nothing.

"Did you just-" I start but the rest gets stuck in my throat.

"What? You said it hurt?" He says and shrugs.
My face reddens deeply and I don't say anything to that. "Where does it hurt?"

"My ankle." I hoarsely tell him.

He then takes my ankle, examining it gently. My pink fluffy slippers that I'd brought with me from home looked stupid and I felt regret about wearing them right now. At least they kept my feet warm.

"Ouch." I mutter when it twists and sends a rocketing pain up to my whole body.

"It's really swollen." Fox mutters, sounding serious.

"Told you it hurt." I can't stop myself from saying.

"Can you walk on it?" He asks ignoring me again.

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