❪ 012 ❫. pouring my heart out to you

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012.  pouring my heart out to you

  pouring my heart out to you

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                  KINSLEY TURNED WHEN CLARKE BUMPED INTO HER SHOULDER, ABOUT TO CALL OUT, YET THE TEARS LACED IN THE GIRL'S EYES MADE HER PAUSE. A frown contorted on her face at the sight, watching Clarke storm off without turning back despite banging into the West girl. Kinsley's stomach churned, turning towards the entrance of the dropship, knowing what happened between the girls.

Raven found out that Clarke and Finn had got together.

Kinsley heavily sighed before she flapped the tarp away from the door, striding in with hesitance. The tension filling the air felt suffocating. Kinsley's chest began to burn with the lack of oxygen, and the headache from earlier began to rise again. Kinsley knew that Raven guessed Kinsley walked in, yet they remained silent—the sound of Raven working on the radio was the only thing being heard.

Kinsley stepped towards the Reyes girl, about to call out her name. However, Raven beat her to it, turning in her seat vigorously, a furious and heartbreaking expression plastered on her face that made Kinsley grimace. "Did you know?" She asked, and the question had Kinsley's body become rigid. Kinsley, again, went to say Raven's name, but the mechanic wasn't having it. "Did you know, Kinsley?"

Raven stood from her seat, marching towards Kinsley, inches away from the girl's face. Kinsley wasn't known to back down from someone, yet she took a shaky step back, her head dipping down. Raven scoffed at the girl, shaking her head as she turned away, feeling the waterworks burn in her eyes. Kinsley felt the uprising of tears, but the girl blinked them away, not daring to show the emotions coursing through her body. "Raven, please—"

"I knew I wouldn't be able to trust Clarke about this," Raven sadly said, facing Kinsley again. The West girl's mouth dropped agape slightly when she saw the tear trailing down Raven's face mockingly slow. "But you?" Her voice wavered. "I thought if I could trust anyone here, it'd be you."

Kinsley sharply inhaled, attempting to control her fastened heartbeat. "That's not fair, Raven," Kinsley sternly said, falsing a sense of void. "I didn't want to see you hurt like you are right now. I knew when you found out, it would crush you. I couldn't be the one to tell you and see it first hand."

Raven seemingly ignored her words, going back to the seat she previously sat in, facing away from Kinsley as her hands absentmindedly began to work at the compartments of the radio. Kinsley thought the conversation was done. She guessed Raven was going to give her the silent treatment, but she was wrong as Raven shakily spoke again. "How long did you know, Kinsley?"

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