[2] y/n l/n

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<July 19, 2018 - 6:45 am>

"Thanks for taking us here, I'll be sure to take care of her." I uttered, glancing to the man beside me. His eyes were trained in front. I can see him give me a side glance before nodding his head.

Ran took off his seat belt, going around the car before opening the back door. I can see Reina happily jumping out of the car before waving for me to join her outside.

"Take care of Reina, I'll send someone to pick the both of you up once classes are over." He spoke then reaching out his hand, as if he was expecting something.

"Phone," He uttered out, noticing my lack of understanding. Once I understood, I gave him my phone, already unlocked. All I could guess was that he was inputting his number in my contacts.

"There, call me 5 minutes before the bell rings so I can send a chauffeur,"

"Alright," I turned to Reina, kneeling to her height. "Let's go, sweetheart? I bet your friends are waiting to see you again."

I smiled when I saw how Reina's eyes lit up. Seeing her jump happily in her position, I hesitated a bit to lift her up.

'Whatever, I'm sure he wouldn't mind,'

I lifted her up, supporting her body with my arms before steadying her on my hip.

"Will I see Kee-an oo?" She asked. Kehaan is one of her friends here in our preschool. The little pink haired child was more introverted and closed off than Reina but it seems like with Reina's influence, Kehaan was able to gain more friends and become more open.

"Of course, but..." I warily glanced to Ran. I've been feeling his stare on the back of head for a while now. I resisted the urge to flinch when I saw how dark his eyes have become when I came in contact with them.

"...Is there something wrong, Ran?"

"Nothing." The way he just forced his words out scared me.

I've always known Ran to be a reckless but calm and collected person when we were younger, though now it seemed like everything about him was alien to me.

"Alright... Me and Reina will head in now. See you at home," It was hard for me to leave those words out of my lips.

Home. It is where a family lives.

But am I really considered to be part of their family if I'm only there because Reina wanted me to be her mother?

Ran clearly objects the idea of me being part of their family but just allows it because of his daughter.

Ran, I don't know what's happened to him through the years I've never seen him but one thing for sure was that, something changed his demeanor, his mentality. And Reina was clearly helping him to stay afloat and not sink.

"Weinaa!" A familiar child voiced out. I turned around, Reina peeking her head around my head to see none other than her best friend, Kehaan, running up to us.

I brushed my thoughts aside, beaming at the pink haired girl before kneeling down and letting go of Reina. I watched as the two girls clasped each other's hands before doing a cute little dance.

"Hewwo, Weina, Miss Y/n!" Kehaan greeted, smiling bright and large making her ocean eyes crease.

"Hello, Kehaan. Good morning, did Miss Senju take you here?" I asked, taking their hands in my palms as we headed towards the school doors.

Kehaan shook her head, eagerly pointing back to a certain purple head and an unfamiliar pink headed man.

"Nu, papa took me ere! Momma is bee-zy..."

I gulped down.

'She keeps calling Senju her mother...'

I looked at the two males, I can see Ran turning back to his usual self as he spoke with Kehaan's I presume, father.

Kehaan obviously got her pink hair from him but his eyes were a brighter blue with pink lashes, compared to hers with white lashes and deep blue eyes.

I guess Kehaan got her eyes from her mother. And I know for a fact it's not Senju.

"I never realized Ran knew Kehaan's father..." I mumbled out, hastily turning my head when I caught the pink headed man's sight.

"Let's go inside, okay? Class will start in a few minutes, we don't want to be late." I told the two toddlers, walking to match their pace as they pulled me inside the building.

I can still feel a pair of eyes on the back of my head, and it took a lot in me to prevent myself from turning around. So I just tried my best to ignore the pair of azure eyes on my back.

It's just that, something in me is telling me that I know this guy. 'Maybe I know him through Kehaan's mother?'

"I'll just ask her when I have time,"

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Where stories live. Discover now