[5] ran haitani

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art: ——


<July 20, 2018 - 9:12 am>

"Are you sure?" She asked, shifting from her left foot to her right.

She seemed nervous, more so since Ran actually decided to clear all his working schedule for the day just to meet her parents and also spend some time with Y/n and Reina.

Not only that but, Ran had noticed how she would occasionally glance at the outfit that he wore.

He couldn't  help but take a peek: he was just wearing a black blazer with a white turtleneck underneath and a pair of clean slacks.


"Why are you wearing a turtleneck when it's literally summer? You do know how hot summer in Japan is right…?"

Ran stayed silent.

Of course he knew how hot Japan is during the summer, it's just that they were already running late and he just took whatever was in his closet and put it on. Who'd have thought it would be this?

"Aren't we running late? I know it's my fault because I woke up late but are you sure?" He placed his hands in the pockets of the jacket, tilting his head as he looked at her.

She sighed, rubbing her head, "It's alright, I still have to help Reina dress up."

She turned around, her head looking at his direction.

"It's okay if you don't want to change, but I'm just worried that the heat will cause you to suddenly faint, that's all…" She turned around, walking towards the direction of Reina's room.

Ran stared blankly at the carpet floor, wiggling his toes before groaning out. Slapping his forehead and then going to his room. Thinking of changing his clothes.

"She's nothing like her…" A ghost of a smile was on his lips, eyes glazed with a fond and almost loving stare.

A small unknowing blush started to form on his cheeks.


<9:45 am>

He can't help but start to sweat, not from the heat radiating from the sun nor was it from the air conditioned car but from the pressure that he'll meet Y/n's parents.

He didn't know why he acted this way, though after hearing about her parents from her the night before, he can't help but feel rather nervous.

"They can get a bit overprotective, but I know you'll get along with them just fine!"

Remembering her words, he feels more pressured than relaxed.

He stopped the car at a red light, eyes glancing around the area to see nothing but buildings every corner. But for some reason, he felt familiar with the neighborhood like he's been here many times in his life.

"Ran," He heard her call, his eye glancing to her seat. He saw her eyes connect with his through the cars window, a small smile on her lips. "Don't be so tense, I promise, they're kind. Don't forget to breath, okay?"

He took a swift puff of air after realizing he had stopped breathing for a moment.

He could feel his cheeks brighten a bit before coughing, trying his best to hide the creeping blush.

He looked back at the road, continuing to drive once the lights turned green.

He can feel his heart thumping out of his chest, but it wasn't due to nervousness or anything.

His One and Only Child || Ran Haitani Where stories live. Discover now