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Mickey's PoV:

It's the morning, i'm on the toilet and then Mandy barges in.

"Hey, what the—? Can i take a shit in private, please?" I say, smoking my cigarette.

"Go find your girlfriend." Mandy says.

"Close the door." I say.

"I looked for her all day yesterday and she's not answering my texts." Mandy says.

"what the fuck are you talking about?" I ask.

"Don't play dumb with me. Elsie. You know you're the reason that she left. So go find her, i gotta get to work." Mandy says.

"Not my fucking problem." I say.

"You know what? Nothings ever your problem. For once, you know, make something your problem." Mandy says taking my cigarette and then walking away.

"the fuck does a squirrel have to do with waffles anyway?" I ask, her work hat has a squirrel on it and she works at some waffle place.

Then she slams the front door and i close the bathroom door.


Elsie's PoV:

I'm at work, doing some coke with some customers. Then a man gives me money and i start grinding on his lap.

Then someone hits the guy on the shoulder. We both turn our head to see Mickey. Oh fuck.

"Times up. Love birds. Get up, that means get the fuck up. It's my turn." Mickey says and i get off the guys lap.

Then Mickey drags the guy up, he looks at me and smirks.

"I'll look for you later, Sophie." The guy says and winks before walking away.

"Sophie? That your fucking stage name?" Mickey questions.

"Twenty-five bucks gets you a dance." I say.

"excuse me?" Mickey says.

"Don't want a dance, gotta move on." I say then i go to walk away.

"okay, all right. Twenty-five bucks for your ass, huh? Never had to pay that shit before." He says handing the money.

I don't take the money, i look down at my shorts and Mickey gives me a look. He then pulls my shorts out and puts the money in there.

I grab him by the tie and sit him down on the couch, then i get on his lap and start grinding.

"so how's your day going so far?" I ask, leaning into his ear.

"How's my fucking day going?" Mickey says.

"Having fun?" I ask.

"No, i'm not having fun. I spent the whole day looking for your coked-out ass. Your family's worried about you." Mickey says.

I then take my tinsel scarf and then wrap it around his neck. I turn around and face the opposite way grinding on him.

"Hello? What the fuck? I can't talk to you like this. Can we go outside? These fudge packets for so much snow up your beak, you're tweaking like a bitch." Mickey says.

"twenty-five bucks only buys you one dance." I say.

"okay, then let's go back to my place. You can sober up a little bit. Catch up or some shit. Tell me where you've been all this time." Mickey says.

"that was fun." I say getting up off his lap.

"find me if you want another one." I say and then try to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Mickey asks.

"Hey, Hey. Look, you don't wanna hang out with me, that's fine. You need to call your family. Your dads dying, Fiona almost killed Liam. Call them." Mickey says.

My face drops when he tells me about the Fiona and Liam part. Then the security guard comes over and pushes Mickey away.

"Everything okay over here, sophie?" The security guard asks.

"Everything's great, Rodger." I say.

"Good. Because a guy over there looks like he may want a dance." The security guard says.

"i'm on it." I say before walking away.

"yeah, don't choke on any grey pubes." Mickey shouts as i walk away.


I stumble out of the bar with an old dude, all coked-out.

"it's cold out here, are you not cold?" He asks.

"no. Where's your car?" I ask.

"I took a cab. Look, you've gotta keep me warm." He says sliding his hands into my shorts.

"got any party favours at your place?" I ask.

"anything you want." He replies.

"Car will be here in under three minutes." I say reading the phone.

"what shall we do till then?" He says, then he licks the side of my face.

Next thing i know he's being dragged back. I look up to see Mickey.

"Why don't you go Moleste someone your own age, you Geritol Fuck?" Mickey says.

"Fuck. Your an animal." The guy says after being kneed in the stomach by Mickey.

"I'm not the one groping underage girls." Mickey says.

"we're having fun." The old dude says.

"shut the fuck up. Give Sophie some money before she calls the cops on you." Mickey says.

"okay, here." The guy says handing Mickey some money.

Then Mickey kicks his ass literally before he runs away.

"Now get out of here. And learn how to run like a dude!" Mickey shouts behind him.

Then i pass out onto the snow, then Mickey puts me over his shoulder and gets us in the uber the old guy booked.

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