fuck you, thats his name.

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I wake up, my head pounding from all the alcohol last night. I walk downstairs and pour myself a cup of coffee, i see Mickey sitting on the couch reading a magazine. I smile at him and then kiss his cheek. Then the door knocks.

I walk over and open it to see Svetlana stood there with a newborn.

"Where is he?" She says barging in.

"The fuck you want?" Mickey asks.

"So your sister knows where you are, but not the mother of your child?" Svetlana says.

Then Svetlana gives me a look, i sigh before walking upstairs letting them talk. I stand at the top so i can hear them talking.

"When are you coming home?" Svetlana asks.

"I'm not coming home." Mickey says.

"Seven pounds, six ounces. Weight of your child, if you care." Svetlana says.

"Fat little fuck, isn't he?" Mickey says.

"I do everything I can do he doesn't turn into a piece of shit like you." Svetlana says angrily.

"Yeah, i'm sure you're gonna turn him into a nice, upstanding citizen since you've blown so many of them." Mickey says.

"We need money, stroller, changing pads." Svetlana says.

"go to work." Mickey says.

"I do, but it's not enough for Raisa." Svetlana says.

"Who the fuck's Raisa?" Mickey asks.

"One of the girls. She fell asleep whilst using Nair. She has third-degree burns on her pubis. She can't work so she watches baby." Svetlana explains.

"hold on, i'm supposed to pay some whore on the DL to baby-sit?" Mickey asks.

"you could watch him." Svetlana says.

"Got better shit to do." Mickey says.

"Yeah, like what? Fuck Blondie." Svetlana says.

"Watch yourself." Mickey says.

"You think you scare me? You are 130 pounds of Ukrainian pussy. What's your father gonna say when he gets out of jail and i tell him you spend every day with blondie fucking her? He's gonna cut your dick off and shove it up your girlfriend's Vagina. Five hundred dollars, tomorrow or i call him." Svetlana says.

Then I can hear Svetlana's heels clopping on the floor.

"you even want to know your son's name?" Svetlana asks.

"Fuck you. That's his name." Mickey says.

Then Svetlana walks out of the door and i hear Mickey kick something. Then i get in the shower.


I walk into the Milkovich house after Kenyatta let me in.

"Hey. I thought you were playing house with Mickey." Mandy says.

"His wife stopped by. With their kid, is he gonna be okay?" I ask.

"Mickey? How the hell should I know?" Mandy says, looking in the fridge.

"The baby." I say.

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