Chapter 5

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Cale blinked in confusion at the noise caused by his father's pirate crew. Everyone seemed to be busy with their respective tasks to make the ship go faster. Shanks also continued to shout his orders as a reliable ship captain, there was no denying that the single father's good looks were increasing at times like this.

Rest assured, Cale was safely protected in Shanks' study with the Monster assigned to look after him while everyone else was busy. Not that Cale minded, he was happy to relax on his father's favorite super soft sofa.

'Looks like there's a fight going on outside, is that the king of the sea?' Cale thought, as the baby learned about the giant, multi-shaped monster that was referred to as the 'King of the sea' because of its ferocity and large size.

It was common for the king of the sea to attack their ship, usually one of his father's crew would defeat it and then Lucky would see if the giant creature could be eaten or not. If the creature proved safe to eat then Lucky would slaughter it and choose the tasty parts for their food supply.

Bang!!! The cannon boomed as it hit its target.

Bugh!! The sound was replaced by the sound of someone's fist.

"Why did you hit me huh?! Inviting a fight?!"

"You bastard! I told you not to shoot him! Gunpowder can change the flavor of the meat!!! At this rate we won't be able to eat it!"

'The sound of the fight is gone, Yassop-san must have shot that big thing again' Cale calmly rolled over on the spacious sofa ignoring the noisy argument between Yassop and Lucky.

"Captain! We're almost there! I see Moby Dick up ahead!" As usual, Building Snake informed them, the tall man was a skilled navigator.

"Did you hear that, guys? Party time!" Shanks shouted loudly in front of his office, causing a commotion among his excited crew.

Shanks opened the door to his office, smiling softly at the sight of his son giggling as Monster rubbed his cheek against the baby's cheek. Cale returned Monster's sweet treatment with a cute babble that no one could understand, except Monster of course, the genius monkey somehow acting as if he understood Cale's abstract words.


"Kyaa!" Cale squealed as his father lifted him up high. Shanks chuckled at Cale's surprised reaction.

His son was silent all the time, so the moment he laughed like that was a precious moment for the single father. Cale was unique but Shanks had promised to love him for who he was, as long as Cale was happy then he would be happy too, even though his son was a little different from the others, in Shanks' eyes he would always be his perfect little baby forever.

"Sorry sorry, let's go out dear, we're going down soon" Shanks put a fairly thick jacket on Cale, he also let the fluffy hood of the jacket cover Cale's head, afraid that the afternoon wind would make his son feverish. Cale didn't mind, after all, his current body was easily cold.

Cale looked up to see his father's expression as they exited and descended from Shanks' study.

'He looks happy' His father's usual wide smile was clearly displayed on his handsome face.

'Then the person we're visiting is probably his close friend' Cale was so grateful to have been given the gift of all the memories of every second of his life, they kept him sane and calm.

About five minutes later Cale's vision was shocked by a giant white ship with a head shaped like a whale along with similiar smaller ships surrounding it like a mother whale and her calf.

"You're surprised, aren't you? This is the first time you've seen a ship of this size." Cale remained silent, marveling at the shape of the very huge ship. Shanks chuckled at his son's amazed look, he guessed his son would be a very curious young man when he grew up.

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