Chapter 7

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One month later....

Time goes by, and it's been almost a year since Cale lived in this world. Many things have changed in him that he doesn't know the cause of. Now Cale smiled more often than in his previous life, he also realized that he had finally fallen in love with the vastness of the ocean, curious about what was hidden behind the thick coral.

Is it because he is the son of Shanks? That's possible, his father is the biggest reason why Cale wants to live a leisurely life while exploring and tasting the uniqueness of this vast ocean as an adventurer. His father's constant recounting of his experiences while adventuring through unique islands with different characteristics made little Cale stunned.

The idea of him traveling to places with contrasting climates, creatures, people's traditions, technology and economic development fascinated Cale. Growing up with his own recording skills, Cale developed a fascination with something interesting that he didn't know the truth about.

The Kim Rok-soo everyone knows is a man who starts the day struggling with rows of numbers, thousands of data, damn box tables and the latest information every morning. The scarred man was rarely found closing his eyes that looked like dead fish, showing how little quality sleep their commander had.

Well it's not like they can stop him, Rok-soo's position and role is crucial-no, they depend on him. Rok-soo's zeal in reviewing the report his team wrote about the monsters was one of the reasons they could all breath properly until now, if Rok-soo stopped no one wanted to imagine what would happen to everyone in this area.

Little did anyone know that Rok-soo or now Cale was quite fond of drowning his head amongst the stale ink-smelling piles of paper. Although he always denied the feeling with his exaggerated logic, Cale's body would automatically search for information related to the thing he wanted to know until he got it or he would go home with a sour face.

Well even though he mostly conducted investigations under tremendous pressure that involved the lives of many people, in his small heart Cale admitted that he quite enjoyed every process.

'I can ask father to buy me a book when I'm old enough' That was a good way to start his adventure, as far as Cale or Rok-soo's soul sailed on the sea of life, his vast knowledge was the most terrifying and powerful weapon he had, he didn't plan on changing that forever.

With a group of men partying on the deck of the ship, little Cale looked cozy in the arms of the monkey playing with his hair. The noise of his father's friends didn't bother him, Cale was used to hearing the noise of his productive family all day long for the rest of his life as Cale Henituse.

Cale was left cuddling with Monster next to Shanks who seemed to be laughing at Yassop's ridiculous story about how he proposed to Bachina. Cale ignored the group of old men and looked up to find many soap bubbles above him, the ten-month-old's forehead furrowed, since when did the crew of this ship like to play with soap bubbles?.

"Baaableh! Daaa! Daa-uuuh, Daada!"
Cale's random babbling was actually meant to attract his father's attention to pick him up and let him touch the bubble, not his intention to make the whole ship fall silent at once.

"Ca-Captein, Cale-kun, i-is he-" Lime Juice's babbling was forced to stop as Shanks used his shoulder as a tool to support his body that wanted to wake up from the dizziness of drinking a large plate of alcohol.

The drunken Shanks carefully lifted Cale into his arms, he didn't try to stand up as his jelly-like legs weren't helping at all. Normally Shanks would kiss Cale's cheek when his son had a confused look on his face, but this time Shanks was too hungover and too focused on what he wanted to say.

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