Chapter 6

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Luckily for all of them, the weather somehow chose to calm down. The waves gently lulled the big ship into a gentle cradle like a mother soothing her crying baby.

The people on the Moby Dick began to function again, doing their respective tasks in silence, obviously out of respect for the feelings of someone who was grieving. Shirohige entered his own room while Izou and Marco were in the infirmary on guard, since they were the ones Shirohige had ordered to entertain their guests.

Marco and Izou remained silent and stood in the corner of the room, making room for the other ship captain who was accompanying his son who was asleep on the bed. It was awkward to see one of the most powerful humans in the world in such a difficult situation, but Marco and Izou were people who valued privacy so they did not open their mouths at all.

On the other hand, Shanks had never felt this down after the execution of the pirate king a few years ago. No, maybe this time it felt even more annoying than the last time. Maybe Shirohige was right, children are the biggest weakness for their parents, a weakness that sticks out like a sore thumb.

Shanks hated this feeling, feeling of being useless, of not being able to do anything to change things for the better.
Instantly he cursed his own stupidity, if only he could restrain himself back then, Cale wouldn't have been born. The mother of his son wouldn't have abandoned a two-month-old baby in the middle of the ocean, his Cale wouldn't have suffered like this.

But could he survive if his son was never born? If it was Shanks from six months ago, he would have laughed loudly and said that he wouldn't have a child and didn't care if some young man or woman claimed to be his child. But now? Shanks couldn't bear it, the thought of his son having to continue to be tormented made him uncomfortable, but the thought of a future where his son didn't survive was even more painful.

Selfish? Say it, honestly Shanks had never felt this happy in his life. Shanks never thought that having someone to protect, cherish, adore and love could keep him smiling from ear to ear every day.

Shanks let out a long sigh, he couldn't go on like this, he needed a distraction. And luckily the object of his distraction was here, the two children of Shirohige were there to keep him company here while his executive crew returned to their ship, they needed to organize the other subordinates so that it would not be chaotic.

Shanks quickly turned his head towards Marco, the man he had known since they were kids. Marco seemed to understand the meaning of the red head's grin, he sighed and came forward to sit on the chair next to the man with the straw hat.

"Marco-kun, I'm bored, I'll give you and your brother a chance to ask me anything as long as it doesn't make me angry" Marco's eyes widened, seriously?.

Izou didn't seem to think much about the offer, he immediately sat next to Marco, no one knew where the man with the gun got the seat. Marco's soul didn't seem to be in the right place to ask so Izou took over. After all, Izou was not the type to waste even the slightest opportunity.

"So Akagami-san, can you... explain all this better?" Marco glared at his little brother, how could his sweet little brother ask such a crucial question!. Marco subconsciously held his breath as Shanks fell silent and looked down. They both couldn't help but feel surprised when Shanks started laughing.

"Well, think of it as my apology and thanks to you and Shirohige-san" Marco couldn't believe what he was hearing, Akagami no Shanks, the most calm and ferocious man among the Yonkou would reveal his biggest secret just like that?!.

Shanks' gaze softened but the firmness was still there, after all Shanks was risking his son's safety here. Shanks chose to trust Marco, Izou and Shirohige more than anyone else, he had known the three of them since he was young, besides that Shirohige was a kind and sincere old man.

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