Chapter 5

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After that night, things continue normally for me: no messages from Marcus, no unexpected encounters

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After that night, things continue normally for me: no messages from Marcus, no unexpected encounters. I immerse myself in my world of design, pouring my heart and soul into creating the perfect dress for Reina. Progress is steady; each stitch is a deliberate step closer to creating a masterpiece.

Days blur into nights, and before I know it, months have gone by with me painstakingly crafting this beauty. The sketch begins to take shape, slowly becoming real. Slowly but surely, I feel pride seep into my system as another dress comes alive in my hands. I soon realize I'm well ahead in my project, and it's time for a fit check. I let Reina know about it, and a day is fixed.

Reina is supposed to come to New York, but when the day of her appointment rolls by, she doesn't show up. I become worried, wondering what must have happened to cause this delay. Jessica soon notices, and it doesn't take long before she starts asking questions.

"Does she not know today is her appointment, or is she not coming?" Jessica asks when she sees me fidgeting with my nails. I straighten up, glancing at the door in hopes she will walk through it.

"I'm not sure. Let's wait; maybe she's still showing up," I tell Jessica reassuringly. The day of the appointment comes and goes without Reina coming to the studio. Concerned, I call her up to ask why.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it," she begins, sounding apologetic. "Some other things came up, and I couldn't tell you in time." I feel a pang of disappointment, but I understand; life has its own plans.

"It's okay; we can always fix another date that will be suitable for you," I tell her and hear a sigh of relief at her end.

"Of course! Thank you for this!" She replies enthusiastically. We fix another date, and I eagerly wait for the time when we would do the fit check. But just like before, the day comes and goes without Reina coming at all.

This time around, she's the one who calls, apologizing for not making it to the appointment. "My schedule has been hectic, and I can barely make out any time to come to New York," she explains.

"Well, it's important to get your fit check done on time so I can make adjustments wherever necessary," I tell her, doing my best to sound professional.

"I know that; I'm just finding it hard to make out the time," she mutters sullenly.

However, what comes next catches me off guard. "Oh, I have an idea! Why don't you come to the Netherlands?" Reina suggests, her voice carrying an earnest plea. I stiffen, startled.

"I'll pay for everything. All you have to do is show up with the dress, and we can do my fit check. That could work!" She says, sounding excited. I hesitate, a mixture of reluctance and a gnawing unease surfacing. The mere thought of stepping foot in the same country as Marcus triggers a visceral reaction in me.

"I don't think that would be necessary, Miss," I say in a bid to dissuade her.

"Oh, but I insist. To be honest, I don't think I have the time to fly to New York due to everything that I still have to do, so it'll be much better to have you nearby. Just think about it."

"I'm not sure," I mumble, my uncertainty evident even through the phone. Not wanting to sound pensive, I quickly add, "I'll think about it."

"Okay, let me know when you make a decision." Thanking me profusely, she ends the call, leaving me with my thoughts.

"What did she say?" Jessica asks moments after my discussion with Reina. I had been picking at my food, drawing her attention to me.

"Um, she wants me to come to the Netherlands," I reply, forking the meal into my mouth and mechanically chewing and swallowing.

"And?" Jessica urges, her brow raised.

"I'm not sure," I groan, running a hand through my hair before placing my head on it.

"Since when did you start saying no to trips like this?" Jessica asks, her concerned yet firm gaze on me.

Since Marcus happened.

"I just don't think it's necessary, that's all. I don't have to fly all the way there; it's just a fit check," I mumble, taking another bite from my salad. I grimace, frowning distastefully at it. Why does it taste so horrible? I should have just gone for a hamburger.

"You don't want to go?" Jessica asks.

"Yes," I reply honestly, keeping my gaze on her. She peers at me for a while before refocusing her attention on her food.

"Strange, you're usually so excited to go on trips like this."

"Well, not this time," I mutter, slowly shaking my head.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll see if I can convince Reina to come here instead. I'm sure she can make up some time." I tell Jessica confidently.

Unfortunately, I couldn't. True to her word, Reina was genuinely busy. Apparently, marrying a prince came with its own list of protocols and restrictions. Growing frustrated, I realize that it would be much better for me if I just gave in to her request.

A sigh escapes my lips as I give her my answer. "Okay, let's do it," I reply, the decision settling with a mix of resignation and a lingering fear. We set a date, a day when I will travel to the Netherlands for the fit check. Reina thanks me once again, her gratitude tinged with a sense of urgency that leaves me uneasy. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"If you're worried about your company, I've got it covered," Jessica tells me when she catches me lost in my thoughts. "Reina is your client. An important one at that. You need to attend to her." She concludes.

I sigh, resting my head on my chin as I contemplate it, realizing there's no way out.

"Unless... There's something else," Jessica quips, her gaze immediately growing curious. I immediately grow defensive, frowning at her.

"There's nothing. I'll go." I announce. Jessica's lips turn up in a half-smile as she folds her hands.

"Great. Have fun." Jessica tells me, but I can barely acknowledge the good intentions that come with those words. All I can think about is the possibility that I may be seeing Marcus again. I push those thoughts aside, burying them beneath layers of determination. I shouldn't let that deter me; it's not like there's anything going on between us anyway.

As the agreed-upon date approaches, my apprehension grows. I prepare for the journey, packing my tools and sketches, but a nagging unease accompanies each folded garment. The anticipation of seeing Reina in the dress wars with the dread of revisiting the memories I've tried so hard to bury.

With a deep breath and a silent prayer, I embark on the dreaded journey to the unknown. Netherlands, here I come.

Drumroll... And the story behind!
Sorry for the impromptu break! I just realized that I needed it.
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See you in the next chapter!

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