Chapter 12

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Are you with me- Nilu
Take me with you- Fleurie, Dalton Diehl & RUSLAN
Enjoy reading!

Sophie Franklin.

The only woman who has the power to bring me to my knees, even if she doesn't realize it yet. Standing by the window, I quietly observe as the soft glow of daylight seeps into my room, illuminating everything it touches. The view outside is breathtaking, but I can barely acknowledge it as my attention is focused on something else... Or rather, someone else.

In another part of the castle, Sophie is hard at work, crafting Reina's wedding dress. Getting an unobstructed view of what she's doing, I watch her, my heart gently thudding in my chest. The sight of her delicate movements as she sews fills me with a sense of quiet admiration. I find myself lost in the simple beauty of her dedication, the way she pours her heart into every stitch.

Taking a deep breath, I glance at the paper in my hands, a sketch of my own face on it. It was drawn by Sophie, and I found it in the trash while I was looking all over for her. I retrieved and kept it, treasuring it ever since. The memory of our walk together two nights ago lingers in my mind, and a corner of my lips twitches but doesn't quite form a smile. It was a spontaneous decision, and I was surprised when she agreed to join me. It spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment that she still cares, even as she tries so hard to conceal it. I wonder what would have happened if I had pursued what we had together before she left the way she did. It seems almost too late now.

A soft knock on the door interrupts my thoughts, and before I can answer, the door opens, and Reina walks in. Sweet, kind Reina, who I have known since childhood. Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, with a smile that could make even the toughest of hearts melt. Though she is beautiful in her own way, I've never harbored any deep feelings for her, and now, my heart belongs to another. I quickly step away from the window, concealing the drawing in my hand in the back of my pocket.

"Are you ready, Marcus?" she asks, her eyes bright with anticipation. I realize that we're supposed to pick up her family from the airport, a task I'm dreading with the whole of my being. But Reina doesn't need to know that.

"Yes, I am. I was just about to come out," I say, masking my true feelings as I go to pick up my coat. She smiles, a light flush staining her cheeks, and it only makes me feel more guilty. I swallow a groan, returning her smile with a fake one. Once Reina's parents arrive, we would finalize the marriage preparations and officially pick a date, proceeding with the wedding. The thought is enough to make my stomach churn, bile rising up to my throat.

"Okay, then let's go," Reina says, turning around. I drape the coat around my shoulders and play the part of the gentleman, opening the door so she can walk out first. Following after her, I close the door behind me. As we make our way through the corridors, passing by Sophie's office, I slow my steps, glancing at the door. Reina notices and slows down as well. "Is something wrong?" She asks, her voice filled with concern. I shake my head, giving her a warm smile instead.

"It's nothing," I mutter, my voice calm. Changing the subject, I ask. "How's the dress coming along?"

Reina brightens at the question, her pace quickening. "Oh, it's splendid. I managed to get a peek at it yesterday. It's already so wonderful! Sophie is working so hard." Then her brow scrunches up in worry. "Although I feel she might be overworking herself." She mutters quietly.

She's probably doing that to avoid me, I think to myself. But Reina doesn't need to know that.

"She'll be fine," I reassure Reina, my voice carrying a hint of assurance. "She's not new at this. Come on, let's go pick up your parents. We can't afford to be late."

With that, we head out, greet my parents along the way before getting into the car already waiting for us. Though I'm dressed warmly, I still feel a chill running through my bones. I really don't want to do this.

Throughout the ride, I'm completely lost in thoughts, my eyes closed and hands fist tight. The implication of what I'm doing weighs down heavily on me. This wedding has been in the works for so long. The uniting of nations, my parents called it. If only they knew I wasn't interested in it, whatsoever. Though Reina is excited for it, the same can't be said for me.

I just want to run away.

We finally get to the airport, just in time to see Reina's family, the king, and queen of Spain walk out of it, surrounded by brute-looking bodyguards. Reina hurries to greet them, the bodyguards stepping away from the Royal family when they see her approach. Since they are outside, they can't be overly affectionate with her, but their faces still warm at the sight of their daughter. I'm at a considerable distance away from them, but I soon catch up, greeting with the utmost etiquette once I'm close enough.

Queen Catalina turns to me, a warm smile on her face as she extends her hands toward me, which I promptly take, bowing slightly but not kissing them.

"¿Cómo estás, mi querida niña?" (How are you, my dear child?) She says in Spanish to which I reply.

"Estoy bien, majestad. (I'm doing well, your majesty)"

"And how is the family? Your parents especially?"

"Oh, they are doing alright. We've been expecting you," I say, and she smiles, her warm blue eyes twinkling.

"Well, we're here now, let's get going then." King Alejandro says, stepping forward and I immediately follow after him.

We usher them to the car and begin our journey back to the castle. Since we're using separate cars, I'm spared the chance to have uncomfortable conversations with them considering the upcoming marriage. Frankly, it's the last thing on my mind.

We get back to the castle, and I meet my parents and sister already outside, waiting for them just below the stairs leading to the castle. Stepping out of the car, we follow them to the edge of my parents where my family is waiting for them with open arms, my mother immediately engulfing Queen Catalina in a warm hug while my father shakes the king's hand. There's a good number of paparazzi around as well, but they're far away from us, taking pictures.

I stand by the side, watching everything unfold when my eyes catch something else. It's Sophie, and she's out in the courtyard and seems to be talking with a maid. Her shoulder-length hair keeps getting blown by the gentle breeze and with the sunlight shining against it; they have taken on a golden hue. My heart lurches at the sight, and I find myself strangely enthralled by it.

But my parents begin discussing, and I'm forced to pay attention to whatever it is they're saying. Turns out, there will be a ball this evening to welcome the Royal family of Spain to the Netherlands before they proceed with the discussions. With that being said, they are ushered in and are taken to their already prepared rooms.

"So, I'll see you in the evening?" Reina asks when the last of her family has been ushered to their rooms. I nod, feeling too drained to speak.

She smiles, reaching up to kiss me. "I'll be waiting for you then."

"Me too..." I mumble, even if it's not true. She smiles at me before heading to her room. I watch her go before turning my gaze out the window, looking for and finding Sophie. She's still in the courtyard but she's all alone now. I watch her for a while, walking away before she catches me staring.

So many things will be happening in the next few days, but all I can think about is, is Sophie going to be at the ball too?

Thoughts, comments, let me know!
Please note: This would be last updates as my exams are fast approaching and I need to prepare for them.
Thank you all for reading and see you all later!

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