Chapter 16

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Lose you to love me by Selena Gomez
Back to You by Selena Gomez
The Heart wants What it wants by Selena Gomez.
Enjoy reading!!!!

Hours have passed since I left the ballroom, yet I find myself still seated on the floor, tears staining my cheeks. My head throbs with every heartbeat, and I can't shake off the overwhelming sense of despair that envelops me. The grandeur of the ballroom feels like a distant memory now, replaced by the suffocating silence of my room.

Suddenly, I hear a faint sound, causing me to pause and lift my head from my knees. Taking in a shuddering breath, my eyes dart around the room, searching for the source of the noise, but there's nothing and no one in sight. A shiver runs down my spine as I rise to my feet, a sense of unease creeping over me.

"Who's there?" I call out as I gingerly make my way to the table next to me, reaching for a nearby vase, my fingers curling around it tightly as I prepare to defend myself. But before I can fully brace myself, I feel a presence in the room, causing my heart to race even faster. I turn towards the direction of the disturbance, my breath catching in my throat as I see him standing there-Marcus.

My grip on the vase tightens instinctively as I stare at him, my mind racing with a thousand questions. How did he get in? Why is he here? "W-what are you doing here?" I finally stutter out, sounding aggrieved as I take a defensive stance. He doesn't say anything for a while, and as the silence drags, I feel my anger rise. Then he speaks, his voice breaking through the silence like a thunderclap.

"I came to see you," he says softly, his eyes searching mine for answers. "I wanted to talk to you."

I shake my head, my voice trembling as I reply, "Whatever it is you want to say, I don't want to hear it. You shouldn't be here. You need to leave, Marcus. I have nothing to say to you."

But he doesn't move, his gaze locked on mine with an intensity that sends a shiver down my spine. I take a step back, the vase still clutched tightly in my hand, but he follows, closing the distance between us until he's standing mere inches away.

"Please, Sophie," he says, his voice pleading. "Just hear me out."

I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest as I meet his gaze. The tears threaten to spill over again as I see the pain reflected in his eyes, a mirror image of my own anguish. "Have you been crying?" He asks, as his fingers reach to touch my cheeks, but I slap his hand away, taking a step backwards until I hit the wall.

"Don't touch me," I seethe, pushing the vase forward. Undeterred, he moves closer till he's in my personal space and I can feel the heat radiating off him in waves. He reaches out his fingers again, and this time, wipes off the tears streaming down my cheeks with his thumb.

"I'm sorry," he whispers, his voice breaking. I bite my lip, willing it to stop trembling as I glare at him, my heart wavering.

"Get off me!" I snap, pushing him away with the vase, but he doesn't budge. Instead, he snatches the vase from my hands and drops it back on the table, leaving me defenseless. Enraged, I begin to hit him on the chest, furious. "You shouldn't be here, Marcus. Get out now before I scream!"

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