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group work

The girl had been in front of Yokai's house for five minutes, yet she didn't go inside.

She stood in front of the door and didn't dare knock.

The sun was beginning to set and she was holding on to the strap of her backpack, where she'd taken everything she needed to work.

But after a moment, she dared to raise her hand to knock, but the door opened before she could even touch it.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Miyuki."

Riki was there. He let go of the door and beckoned Miyuki to enter.

The young girl entered into the Yokai house and saw that the living room was full of people dancing and singing.

"We can go outside, it'll be less crowded."

Miyuki nodded and followed Riki, but Yokai ran up to him and kissed him.

Riki pushed her away a little, but Yokai paid him no mind. She kissed him again before finally pulling away from him and played with her hair.

"Miyuki, you can start doing your homework outside." then she turned to Riki. "In the meantime, are you coming to dance ?"

Riki took a step forward to get away from Yokai. "I don't really feel like dancing, Yokai. Some other time."

If there is a next time, Riki...

Riki grabbed Miyuki's wrist and led her outside.

Here too, people were singing and dancing. Yokai's garden was so big.

Miyuki followed Riki to the far end of the garden and they sat down on the grass. She started to take out her things and they began to work in the dark of the night.

"I think it's fine if we say that." Miyuki said as she straightened up.

"No, this way's better." Riki began to write on the sheet of paper the version he thought was better, but Miyuki banged her head as she read what he was writing.

"Not at all !" she hurriedly took the pen from Riki's hands and crossed out everything he'd written.

Riki grunted, then tapped Miyuki's shoulder, laughing.

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