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last time

Miyuki was lying in bed and could hear the raindrops hitting her window.

Then she opened her eyes.

The light burned her pupils, so she immediately closed them again, but did her utmost to open them again.

And she did.

Miyuki's eyes were open.

She was right, it was raining outside.

Yet the sky wasn't gray.

Maybe I'll see a rainbow today ?


what if I die before ?

What if I die in a minute ?

Miyuki tried to calm down, but she couldn't imagine dying.

Not so young.

She was too afraid to die.

She felt something on her head, so she reached up and tapped the side of her head to feel a bandage.

It was stuck to her forehead and went a little into her hair.

She heard footsteps approaching her door and it swung open so hard that it hit the wall.

"Oh yes, you're awake !" Riki shouted, rushing to take Miyuki in his arms.

She couldn't hold back her smile and managed to lift her arm to put it on his back.

And for a moment, Miyuki wondered if she should tell Riki that her life would soon come to an end.

He doesn't need to know that, does he ?

He seems so happy to see me awake,

and I'm not going to die anyway,

the doctors must have made a mistake,

to err is human,

right ?

Riki moved away from Miyuki and stroked her hair.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class ?" Miyuki asked, frowning.

"It doesn't matter, I wanted to see you." Riki continued to stroke her hair. They were so soft. "Feeling better ?"

Miyuki nodded and she smiled at him.

"I want to get out of this hospital."

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Miyuki."

"I hate this place. White walls with no decoration. I don't like it."

It's true Miyuki,

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