Chapter 3: Starting The Cult

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Getting off the markings on the stone ground you started to feel a little dizzy, Lambert held on to you just before you took a tumble "I'm fine" you said softly, trusting your better judgment he let you go. Taking a deep breath, you looked around, this clearing was in disarray, patches of tall grass, bushes with berries ripe for the picking, both small and large trees and even larger boulders scattered across, even with this mess it still felt somewhat tranquil, then you spotted Ratau near a chest, urging you two to come closer and so you did.

"This hallowed ground which once was mine, is now yours. This crumbling ruin is to be the site of your new Cult. We have much to do." Before he could continue talking, you interrupted.

"Wait, hold on one minute, what is going on? Lambert, you said you would tell me when we get to safety, well, we are safe now, so tell me what's going on!" you demanded, feeling the sibling rivalry, Ratau walked away to give you the needed privacy.

With a sigh Lambert looked into your (e/c) eyes "alright, I will" he was struggling with where to begin "The moment that they off my head, I was sent to the afterlife and meet The One Who Waits" the name rang a bell in your head, remembering the time your mother talked about the Lands Of The Old Faith before losing her. "He told me he would bring me back to life if I started a Cult in his name, I agreed, and then he gave me his crown and sent me back". This did not sit well with you just yet.

"Alright, but what is the catch, this sounds too simple, to bring you back to life, all he asked for is a Cult?"

"Yes, that's all he said, but once we get things going, he told me that he will see me again, but I do not doubt that there is a catch".

Feeling somewhat satisfied with the information and not wanting Lambert to go through this alone you gave him a hug, "I will help you every step of the way."

"Thank you" he whispered back.

"I see you two have finished your talk," Ratau said suddenly, you were not too pleased with how silent he could be.

"Yes, we are, so where do we start?" Lambert seemed eager to begin this Cult.

"We begin by indoctrinating this poor soul into the warm embrace of your Cult. Followers can gather resources for you. Order this one to collect lumber or stone". You almost forgot about the cow that you saved earlier, not being the type to boss others around you let Lambert take charge. As Lambert was on his way to indoctrinate the cow, Ratau turned to you. "By your brother's hand, our Cult will grow powerful! But Followers can not live on prayer alone, they must eat. Gather berries and resources to build a cooking fire to prepare a meal" With the mention of food your stomach began to growl with hunger. You began with the berry picking as the new follower was collecting wood and Lambert was collecting stone, just when you get as many berries as you can you walk to the newly built cooking fire.

"Ohh! You have berries! I was starting to get so hungry!" the follower said while drooling a little, you separate the berries into 3 equal portions, the Follower took theirs with glee, you also gave one portion to Lambert.

"Don't worry, I'm not hungry (y/n)" you looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? We haven't had anything since this morning, plus we have been running for our lives nearly all day, how can you not be hungry?"

He gave you a shrug "I don't know but you eat up" You had a feeling it was something to do with The One Who Waits but did not want to press on.

When you finished your meal you felt so much better with a lot more energy, ready for the next task. Ratau called the both of you over to the centre. "Now we must build a shrine-but first we will need more Followers. Who which can be found when crusading through the lands of The Old Faith. Our mutual benefactor The One Who Waits has been trapped by the four Bishops of the Old Faith. Each of them guards a chain that binds him to the realm beyond".

By the mention of the Bishops gave you a chill down your spine, and how each of them are guarding a chain made you hold your own. "We have conjured openings to their realms. It is your task to track them down a slay them so that he may be freed."

"I guess we know what the catch is now..." you whispered, Lambert put a comforting hand on your shoulder giving you a light squeeze.

"Now go! There you shall find willing recruits and for those who are not willing, convert them by force!" and off goes Ratau by digging a hole to who knows where.

"I see that my next task is to go on a crusade, (y/n), I need you to stay here, I don't want you getting hurt" You turn to look at Lambert.

"I will, while you're gone, I'll try and make this place somewhat more presentable" Walking to the steps that lead out of the Cult you call out to Lambert one last time "Please, be careful out there, and you better not get to hurt because if you do, I will kill you!" you joked, trying to ease the tension in the air, and not without a playful punch to his arm.

Lambert rubbed his arm as if it actually hurt him, "Ow, ha-ha, understood, I'll come back safe, see you soon" With a small wave he was gone.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now