Chapter 14: Sickness

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Lambert was going around the cult talking with his Followers and giving blessings, then he had a moment, you walk up to him, wanting to know what his next move will be before he leaves for his next crusade.

"Lambert, I need to talk to you".

"Of course (Y/N), what is it?"

"I need to know where you're going next, I rather be prepared for the inevitable" Lambert began to think about where he should go next.

"I think the best step to take is to go to Anchordeep" It was your turn to think.

"Anchordeep, that will go against Kallamar! As in the Bishop of pestilence!".

"(Y/N) it will be fine, in fact, I was planning on helping make a healing bay before I go".

You were glad that things might not be as bad as Heket, and that Lambert is already prepared for what Kallamar might have in store.

The healing bay was finished in no time thanks to the help of the Followers and Lambert, as night came, Lambert left but instead of falling asleep you stayed up, lying in your tent, your mind was wondering, but always went to Kallamar, that is until a memory presented itself to you.

You remembered how your mother would pray to Kallamar for health, Lambert was not as sprightly when you two were growing up, he would get sick often and would send your mother into a panic, you remember how every time anyone in your family would get sick, she would pray the night away, but if she was to fall ill it would be your father that would pray, Lambert eventual grow out of being sick so much, but the concern was always there.

You slowly began to open your eyes, you do not recall falling asleep but waking up felt like a nightmare, your head felt like it was spinning, and the day's light was burning your eyes, you hoped it was the night cold that was making you feel under the weather.

When you got up you still felt groggy, you blamed this on the restless night, you tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes, but it did not work, you hoped getting a few things done would help. Looking at the farm you were happy that it was healthy again but tending to it was not making you feel better, so you prepared on the food, when you began you noticed that the Followers looked how you felt, they complied with how they felt sick, but they were still full of energy and asked for a small portion.

When everyone had their small meal, they went back to work, but it was slow, you kept your eyes open for a black puddle, that appeared when Heket would send a famine, and you did find one under Namar, everyone panicked the same way as usual, you tried to keep a steady head.

You got to the spot where Namar was when they disappeared, then they repapered but they looked horrible, they wiped their mouth from vomit residue, you helped them up you noticed how hot they felt, you got them to lie down in the healing bay, then prepared some water to cool them down, leaving a wet rag on them you began to crush some camellia flowers in a mortar and pestle into a powder and pored it in a drink, it was a trick your mother would use, it was not tasty but it worked.

"Here Namar, drink this, it will help" They barely opened their eyes, having no strength to hold the cup, you placed it in their mouth, and they sipped it slowly, "there you go, nice and easy, drink it all" you whispered in an encouraging tone.

"It tasted disgusting" you chuckled seeing as they already started to look better.

"I know, but it's better than nothing, now rest for the day, you will feel better in no time". When you got out of the healing bay the Followers looked at you, wondering if tier fellow Follower would be ok, "they just need some sleep, let's not disturb them".

When Lambert got back you were the first to greet him, "(Y/N) are you ok? Are the Followers, ok? You look ill" he placed his paw on your forehead.

"I'm fine Lambert, the Followers are not feeling the best, especially Namar, but we are fine, I suggest we don't do a sermon today though" Lambert looked around and saw that the Followers did look sluggish, he accepted your idea of holding off a sermon for now, but did introduce you to two new Followers, an elephant named Yaron, and a leafy jellyfish named Saleos, because they are not affected by what is happing in the cult they helped the others any way they can, Lambert who also had some worry tried to help by asking the Followers to not overwork themselves, you guess that he felt some empathy for them, for he knew very well how they are feeling at the moment. 

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