Chapter 9: Locking Horns

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Lambert left on a crusade at some point at night, you woke up before any of the Followers. You started with the farm, the food was not growing well, some had rotted and could not be eaten, and some just would not grow at all, the soil was just not fertile anymore, you got as much as you could and started to cook. The Followers wake up one by one, ready for the day, smelling the food they all proceed to you, and you hand over the evenly sorted food. "(Y/N) are you not eating?" Namer asked.

"Don't worry about me, I already ate" you lied.

"When are we going to get a tent? I don't know about you Gusion, but I was freezing my tail off!" Arkity rubbed their arms to prove a point, you did offer them that one could take your tent, but they declined expecting you to get it done by the day.

"(Y/N) is doing their best, give them some time" Amduesias tried defending you.

"Amdusias, it's ok, I'll get your tents ready as soon as possible, I promise!".

You managed to get the materials for the two tents, sneakily sacrificing some of your own to not get the attention of concerned Followers, however, it now has holes and could collapse if touched the wrong way, it will not even keep the cold out at this point.

At midday, you did not notice Lambert get back from his crusade, you were too focused on trying to bring the soil back to life, but by doing this it only caused you to get hungrier, you ignored the empty feeling in your stomach as best as you could.

"Hey, are you alright?" a voice you did not recognize called out, when you turned to look at them, they appeared to be some kind of bat-toad hybrid.

"Huh? Oh! I'm fine, you must be a new follower, I'm (y/n)"

"I know who you are!" just as they were going to say something else Lambert came up behind them.

"Eligos, I see you introduce yourself to (Y/N), but would you give us a moment?"

"Of course!" Eligos runs off to another Follower presumably to introduce themselves to everyone.

"(Y/N), what's really wrong?" He asked, he must have overheard Eligos's first concern when they first talked to you.

"Lambert, I'm alright, just maybe a bit tired is all, so much to do and so little time" Lambert did not believe you for a second but chose not to say anything for now. He decided to stay for the whole day and helped where he could, he brought materials that would help make one more tent for Eligos, but yours still needed some more if you wanted to fix it. Lambert was not in the cult when you cooked meals for the Followers, when asked if you were going to eat you would claim that you were not hungry at the moment.

When everyone retired for the night, Lambert told you he would leave at night again for a crusade, when he left you entered your rickety tent, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep warm.

The morning warmth could not have come any slower, sleep was impossible, it did not help your tent collapse on you in the middle of the night.

You did the same as you did the day before, but you felt a pair of eyes follow you, you pushed the feeling to the side as you saw the Followers ready to have their morning meal, this time it was Amdusias asking if you would eat, and again you lied say you ate already. When everyone left you felt someone grab tightly onto your arm and drag you away to privacy.

It was Lambert and he looked annoyed, "Lambert, I didn't know you came back from your crusade already".

"I didn't go" he would not look you in the eyes, "what do you think you are doing?"

"What are you talking about?" a silence fell between you two, only for it to be broken by the grumble of your empty stomach.

"That, why are you starving yourself?" his voice continued to grow with anger.

"We are running low on food; I already told you the farm is not growing! I rather go hungry for a few days rather than let your cult starve!" your own anger was starting to overflow.

You lower your centre of gravity and if by instinct charge at Lambert with your horns, Lambert gets the same feeling as you, your horns are locking together.

"So, what if they go hungry, they can starve to death for all I care, I can always get more! We have been through too much for you to die from hunger!"

"They are not just tools for you to use however you want!"

"I will not be a servant to them, I will use them to my advantage!"

The two of you kept on pushing your horns together trying to get the advantage of the other, but you being hungry and sleep deprived it was a losing battle, with a forceful push, Lambert took you to the ground, you looked up at him, not seeing your loving brother anymore, just a ruthless leader.

You headed to leave the cult only for Namar to call out to you "We heard yelling, is everything alright? (Y/N) where are you going?" Feeling a lump forming in your throat, you could only look back and continue leaving.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now