Chapter 27: First Reunion

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You and Narinder continue to stay together, not talking, just spending time together 'enjoying' each other's company, the peace is shot-lived as the Followers leave the temple, they are still too uneasy to approach Narinder.

"I need to talk to you (Y/N)" You look over and see it is Lambert that was talking.

"Alright, see you later Narinder". You and Lambert have a walk around the cult and talk at the same time.

"Seeing as you had to miss the sermon, I'll give you a brief explanation on the plan moving forward".

"So, we're still not finished?"

"I've met with this being and they told me that the Bishops are still alive".


"Well, they are not alive, but not dead, they are in this sort of limbo".

"So what does that mean for us going forward?"

"The being told me I have to put them to rest, that is my duty as the new God of Death".

"I did say that there is power sleeping inside of you, just never expected it to be Godhood".

A few days have passed when you are informed about what is to happen, and everything is proceeding smoothly, Narinder has even begun to attend the sermons, although he would not participate in them or pay attention, it is a start.

You are tending to your camellia flower garden waiting for Lambert to return, that is until you hear the sound of hooves on stone, you look up and trot over to Lambert wanting to listen to the news.

"How did it go? Is everything alright?" he gives you a mischievous look, you follow him to where new Followers are found, there you see a bushy green worm, you let out a slight gasp when you realize this is the Ex-Bishop of Chaos, Leshy.

"I... I cannot see! Where is my Crown!? Lamb! Damned Lamb! I know you are there, I smell you. What... had become of us?"

You can instantly know that he is panicking and not being able to see must make it worse for him.

"Hey, calm down, let me help you up".

"I don't need help!" Leshy stands and stomps away.

"Wait, be careful!" your warning is meaningless, due to his stubbornness and blindness, he bumps into the shrine causing him to fall back to the ground.

You make your way to Leshy with Lambert following close, Lambert mainly wants to see what Leshy will do next; you do hear Lambert involuntarily let out a chuckle, and you shoot him a glare that makes him stop, you crouch next to Leshy to help him sit up.

"Are you alright?"

"... I might need some help" His voice was so quiet you could barely hear what he said, so you helped him to stand back up.

"I know you can find yourself around in no time" You try to be optimistic in this sensitive situation.

"Leshy, is that you?" the new voice belongs to Narinder, you let out a sigh of relief, they are related so Narinder can help in a way.

"Narinder, good timing!" Narinder steps closer to his blind brother.

"He is here?" Leshy looks in the direction he thought Narinder is, " jerk!" Lambert quickly held onto Leshy's shoulders to prevent him from starting a fight.

"I'm the jerk? All of you imprisoned me for wanting to change!" you hold Narinder by his arms to keep him back from Leshy.

"You betrayed us!"

"Lambert do something!" you are starting to panic, and you hope that Lambert has an idea, but what he did next made you want to hit him over the head, he turned Leshy so he is facing the opposite way of Narinder.

"I hate you!" Unfortunately, a Follower was passing by as Leshy said this.

"Huh? What did I do?!"

"Don't worry about it Yaron, really Lambert!" tension is rising.

"Alright, both of you cut it out, get away from each other and cool down" Both Narinder and Leshy listen to Lambert's demand.

"That could have gone better" You look to where the brothers have wandered off to, Narinder is back on his tree stump and Leshy is on the grass, face first thanks to a rock.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now