Chapter 7: A Moment Of Normality

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"Stop moving so much!"

"I can't, it hurts!" you were trying to patch up some of the wounds Lambert got with his fight with Bishop Leshy, but it was proving to be a challenge because he did not stop wiggling away from you.

"It only hurts so much because you keep moving!" It must have been a sight to behold for the Followers, seeing their 'great' leader being yelled at by their younger sibling, you could have sworn that you heard a few giggles not too far off.

"You never had the gentlest hands."

"And you never had the ability to sit still for one minute." This sort of arguing was not new, in fact, it was far too common in the past, although you were annoyed at the moment you were secretly glad you could still argue like this after everything that had happened, it brought a sort of normality back in your life, "there, all done, it wasn't that hard now was it, you big baby". It was not the best work, but it was good enough, "where are you going too next?"

"I'm going to Anura". You did not know anything about the realms, but you did know that Bishop Heket ruled over Anura and was the God of Famine, you look over at the small farm plot, it was just barely getting by, some of the Followers also offered to help by planting seeds and watering, you need to start expanding the farm soon to feed more mouths.

"When do you plan on going?" You sit next to Lambert.

"Tonight, when you all go to bed".

"So soon? You need to rest Lambert; you must be exhausted".

"Somehow, I'm not, I feel fine" You gave him a 'you're lying' look, he let out a chuckle "Honestly. I'm fine!".

You let out an exasperated sigh, "Fine, I'll believe you...for now."

"Heh, thanks (Y/N)"

"You better put that hand down before I break it", Lambert slowly lowered his hand that was about to ruffle your wool.

You two took in the sight of the Cult, even though it was still in the early stages it was coming along just finely. Most of the small rocks and trees are gone, the farm plot, although small, it will expand, and the Followers talking with each other when they have a moment.

Suddenly Lambert stood up, "Come on, I should do a Sermon before I leave tonight".

When you both got to the temple, you rang the bell as usual and watched as the Followers came, excited to hear what Lambert was about to say.

"Hello everyone, today is a day to be proud of, as you already know we have officially defeated the first Bishop, Leshy, there are only three Bishops to go to unchain The One Who Waits!"

Before Lambert could finish, the Followers were already cheering at such a success, "we knew you could do it!", "way to go, great leader!", "Nothing can stop you!" the praise gradually quieted down.

"In the morning you will not see me, for tonight when you sleep, I will be on my way to Anura to find Bishop Heket, I know you are all in safe hands with (Y/N) here to help you."

The sudden mention of your name and the feeling of all the Follower's eyes on you, caused you to look down to your hooves to hide your beet-red face, too embarrassed to look at them as they cheered. You took a peek at Lambert; he had a mischievous smug look on his face that screamed "payback", even his crown looked like it had the same smirk, you whispered a quick "I hate you", he responded by sticking his tongue out, he may be a 'grate' leader to his Followers, but to you right now, he was a horrible brother.


Quick A/N

This fic will start going in a dark direction in a few chapters, so to save our sanity, have another drawing of (Y/N) featuring Lambert!

(Am I using this fanfic to practise this art style? yes, yes I am)

(Am I using this fanfic to practise this art style? yes, yes I am)

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Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now