Chapter 4: Comforting Followers

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After bidding goodbye to Lambert, you start to feel worried sick for his safety, you turn back to the Cult and begin to clear out some of the rubble to clear your mind, the cow notices your uneasy look and comes to talk to you. "Hey, I never got your name, I'm Almer!" he said sticking out his paw.

"Oh, nice to meet you Almer, I'm (Y/N)" You give his paw a shake to not be rude.

"I didn't get the chance to properly thank you for saving me, I really do appreciate it". You had to admit, you liked the recognition, but you did not feel like you deserved it; first, you nearly got killed by a cultist and second, you could not even get the ropes off until Lambert cut them off, just as you where about to tell them no thanks was needed, they started talking again, "you and the leader seem really close" hearing that Lambert was already considered a leader made you let out a chuckle, it brought you back to your younger years, he was always the one to take things into his own paws so you can see why he took the role of a Cult leader so easily.

"He is my older brother, after all, I was kind of forced to be close to him". You and Almer chatted a little more and helped each other with chopping the larger trees, things started to look a lot more tidy with more room, and you were starting to like the idea of this whole Cult thing, just as you were admiring the landscape you heard the familiar sounds of hooves on stone, without a moment to think you started running to the sound, "Lambert!" you cried "your back! And you're not hurt!"

"Yup, all in one piece, looks like you don't get to kill me just yet" As you were catching up with Lambert to know what happened you both heard the call of Ratau, he had a prideful smile on his face, the same one as a proud parent would have for their child.

"I am relieved to see you made it safely, and you have not returned alone. You have convinced more to join our faithful flock. Let us indoctrinate this new convert so that we may continue". You both head to where the new Follower is waiting for their fate.

As they were begging to be spared, Lambert introduced you to them, "(Y/N) this is Amdusias, they were a follower of Leshy" You felt uneasy as to how they already throwaway their devotion to the Bishop Leshy and gave it to your brother, but you can still see how scared they are, so you decided to show them the same kindness as you would to anyone else.

"You don't have to be scared, you're safe here" They looked much more at ease with your comforting words.

"Amdusias, you can start by picking away at the stones here" Lambert commanded.

"Yes! Of course, leader!" Amdusias ran off to the furthest pile of boulders and started to pick away. Ratau came closer, pleased with how smoothly things were going.

"Followers will either work or worship, but for Followers to worship, you require a Shrine."

"That doesn't too hard, we can even place it here in the middle".

"I knew you had a talent for design" Lambert said, ruffling the wool on your head.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that!" you told him off, trying to put your (w/c) wool back to normal.

You, Lambert and the two new Followers built a simple shrine in your brothers' likeness.

"Praise be! Your Followers can now worship you! Here is a new Follower I found. Assign them to Worship at the Shrine".

"What? You crazy, old man! how do you just randomly 'find' someone to be a follower?!" this whole interaction was puzzling to you, to say the least.

Ratau let out a hearty laugh "Just old, I'm not crazy yet" you pout, not like the answer, "I see that you already have the resources to make a Temple. The Temple is the centre of the Cult. From there you will preach Sermons and perform Rituals to mould the fragile minds of your Followers. You are both responsible for maintaining the Faith of the Cult. If it falls too low, your Followers will dissent against you and eventually leave."

"That doesn't sound good at all, come on brother, let's build that Temple so you can preach your first Sermon as soon as possible" If there was an attempt to try and sound calm at the thought of dissenters, you failed miserably.

You hurriedly along to get the Temple built, and thanks to the now three Followers it was done in no time at all, now, Almer, Amdusias and a deer that you later learned was called Fey were waiting for Lambert to start the Sermon, he felt uncomfortable at the thought of looking down at you along with the Followers, so with much convincing you agreed to stand with him on the stage and he allowed you to be at the far back by your request.

"My loyal Followers, today you bear witness to a new Cult, although we may be small in numbers for now, we will grow larger and prosper in this new sacred land!"

Joyful cheers erupted from the Followers below, obesely enjoying what they heard, when the Sermon was over the three slowly started to leave talking about what Lambert said, and that's when Ratau came in "You were amazing to behold. A natural leader. I see why you were chosen. If you are to guide your Cult you will need to declare Doctrines so that they might obey you."

"That sounds interesting, how do we do that?" asked Lambert.

"Return to the lands of the Old Faith and seek out Commandment Stone fragments. With these, you will be able to declare new Doctrines." Needing no more help for the moment Ratau walks away.

"Lambert, before you go, I have a small request".

"What is it? Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything is fine, I was just wondering if it's ok to have some farm plots, you see when I was gathering the berries, I got some seeds, and the bushes won't last forever". Lambert thought about your proposal.

"That's a good idea, we don't want anyone to go hungry, if I find any more seeds during my crusades, I will give them to you".

"That would be perfect!"

With your proposal agreed on, you follow Lambert to the exit to wish him luck on his Crusade to find the Commandment Stone fragments.

Siblings who nearly die together, stay together (cult of the Lamb x reader)Where stories live. Discover now