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That's right, I am braking down this wall to talk to you. If you have gotten this far in the story, that means you must like it, hopefully. I  wanted to thank you for reading and all.

Much has happened since I began writing, and hopefully, I got better over time. Looking back, I do realize this story is all over the place, but that may be a good thing.

The one thing I don't want is that my story to be is predictable. But I do want it to be understandable after all this isn't English class.

Anyways I want to do a recap of what has happened these past chapters.

You don't have to read it, but if you are a bit lost, it is here.


Alright, we start off with Yoki meeting her evil grandma, Lady Edith, also know as old hag. This lady wants to take Yoki to the village hidden in the rain, which you all know is not at all safe.

At first, her parents do not agree, but after some convincing (black mail), they agree. Feeling betrayed, Yoki goes off on her parents and runs away with her side kick (Lord Duckington).

Like every good story, it is raining when she meets Naruto. They have a heartwarming talk and go to the godly ramen stand. This is where she learns that Naruto has also run away.

After eating, Yoik decided it was best to crash at the Uchiha compound and run away without Naruto. This doesn't last long. The two share another heartwarming conversation that leaves Yoki wanting to stay and protect Naruto.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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