Chapter 9: Jax Easton

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And then she asks me about my childhood.

"What was it like growing up in a motorcycle club? Was it dangerous?"

"I never saw the danger if it was. I was kept away from all of that. I was raised like any other rich kid. By a nanny and my parents were away most of the time. But, to be honest, I have nothing to complain about. When my parents were around, they were attentive, thoughtful, and caring. They've always supported me and my decisions. We have our bad moments, but I wouldn't change anything about my childhood."

I fucking lied to her. For her benefit.

"You have no siblings?"

"Other kids raised in the MC were my siblings. We spent a lot of time together, but they're either out of the MC life or moved to different chapters."


"Devil's Rose MC's in another location. There is actually one in Dallas."

"So, who's the top guy?"

"Alpha. Since the club started in Westmoor, and Alpha's the head of Westmoor, he's the guy other top members in the other chapters go to. But anything big enough rarely happens for that."

"Oh, I got it. Makes sense. Is it hard always having your life controlled by someone else?"

"Well, it's like having a boss at a job," I answer, tilting my head, "your life is dictated by your boss."

"But Maximilliano, he's kinda different. He's way more flexible than most strip club owners. Like tonight for example."

Wait, what? Maximilliano? He's her boss? I would think that he would have been around tonight if he was. I knew we had some intel about that but I didn't think that it would turn out to be true after not seeing on bit of evidence earlier tonight. 

I guess he hides it well. Probably to not have issues with the police or Devil's Rose based on past experiences. He's smart, but he's not smart enough, clearly because his dancers don't know how to keep it quiet.

"Has he been your boss for long?"

"Ever since I've gotten to Grove Heights. So, like two years."

Holy fucking shit. This could be my in. This could be how we get close to this guy. I mean, yeah, I love being around Iris. I felt an immediate pull to her, that's undeniable, but Maximilliano trumps that no doubt. 

I barely know this woman and while I don't want to hurt her, having her confirm that she works for him makes that more of a priority right now. I would rather sacrifice a relationship with her and protect more innocent people than let go of Max (it's easier to think of him as Max than his long fucking name) just because I have complicated feelings for her. 

The only thing however is to get close to him, to get to know more information about his weak points and ways to infiltrate his organization, Iris can't know about it. I'm fine with him knowing that I have an association with Iris, but it's better if she knows nothing about my plans. 

He's most definitely going to question her, and he'll know if she's lying.

When he's asking her questions, she can be truthful.

"Why are you so curious about him?"

"It's in my Devil's Rose MC nature."

"He's a good guy, I promise. He wouldn't let anyone working for him get hurt."

But he doesn't care about anyone else but the people working for him. As long as they are safe, nothing else matters, and he'll do terrible things to other people to keep himself successful. I don't know if Iris knows that.

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