Chapter 10: Iris Callahan

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Slasher peers up from between my thighs, the sexiest and most accomplished grin on his face. I pull him up towards me and kiss him, letting all my thoughts exit my mind as I drown in him. He reaches into his bedside table and takes out a condom, and while I don't feel like we need it, if he wants to use it, I don't mind either. 

If he would rather be more cautious than not, I won't stop him. There's no reason to. I feel his hardness against my lower stomach as he seductively rolls the condom over the precum tip of his cock. I find myself practically drooling over him, his abs tightening as he begins thrusting himself into me.

Thank god he has his own house because if he had apartment neighbors, they would complain about the noises erupting from the back of my throat. I can barely control myself as he fucks me. I have no idea how he's so fucking good at this, but he knows exactly what to do. He knows exactly how I like it. 

Shit, I won't have to fake it this time around, not that I've had to fake it with Slasher at all. 

I feel his fingers dip underneath the covers to play with my clit as he drives himself in and out of me in a controlled manner. Knowing that he's not usually like this, that he prefers something rougher, drives me out of my mind. But in a good way. I know he's holding back for me. 

He wants to make sure that he's not doing something that makes me feel unsafe, and that I can appreciate. That's not normal in my business. However, everything in me wants him to take me rough. I want him to choke me, spank me, do whatever he wants.

I want him to fucking let go.

But I also know that tonight isn't the night to ask for that. I don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. I'm not sure where he wants this to go. I'm not even sure where I want this to go. I just want him to fuck me right now, and we can think later.

"Slasher, I'm so close. Don't stop, please, don't stop."

He grunts as our lips brush, the sound of our skin slapping filling the room.

"Shit," he moans out into the hot air.

I like that he's loud when he fucks me. He might be holding back in other ways but not with noise. It's so fucking sexy because it assures me that I'm also doing something right.

"You feel so fucking good, baby. Keep going," he moans, breathless.

Our eyes meet, and I can feel my heart skip a beat.

Oh fuck, Iris, don't fall for the man.

But with his ocean-blue eyes staring deep into mine, my heart leaps into the unknown after only an evening of knowing him. Now is certainly not the time for this.

I push any thoughts of romance out of my mind and back to the moment happening now. The thrust of his hips, the weight of his body, the warmth of the air, and the way one of his hands digs into my hips.

"I'm so fucking close, Iris, shit. I can't-"

He doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence because I feel the release of tension from my body, setting him off into how own orgasm. Well, that worked out.

Slasher releases his tight grip on my hip before gently pulling out of me to take off the condom. I observe him as he moves around the room, throwing on a pair of sweatpants before heading off into the bathroom. 

I lay my head back down on the pillow and catch my breath, trying not to think about anything other than how fucking good that felt. He comes back with a warm towel in his hand and asks if I would rather clean myself up or if I would let him do it. 

Barely able to move my body, I let him do it, letting my body feel heavy. It feels good.

"Do you want to stay the night? If not, I can drive you home, but I don't mind you sleeping over."

I stare up at him, unsure of how to respond. Is it just being polite or does he want me to stay? Or does he have something else planned? I don't know what it would be, but I'm not getting bad vibes from him. I've just never slept over before. 

I have only had sex with guys after a couple of dates or after knowing them for a little while but even then, no one has wanted me to stay. I've also never wanted to stay. No sex has ever been that good, so I would usually just catch an Uber home. It doesn't happen often enough to become a financial problem.

Whatever is happening with Slasher just feels so much different than any other guy I've been with. I don't hate it, and it's not something that I don't want, it's just entirely new territory for me.

"What do you think, Iris?"

"If you're willing to let me stay, I would like to stay."

"Yeah, perfect, and I can drive you home tomorrow morning."

"Okay, that works."

He tosses me a clean shirt and sweatpants from his drawers and doesn't say a word as I put them on and slide underneath his covers.

If I'm staying, I'm going to get comfy.

He lays down beside me, tucking his left arm under my head.

"If you don't mind answering this question, how did you become a stripper? What led you to this life?"

"I went to community college and just became a mechanic. I tried to get hired at a bunch of different places, but none of them worked out. I moved to Grove Heights and worked in corporate for a while. I quit after two years of doing that because I wasn't happy. I was lost and I heard that strippers made a lot of money so I decided to do it. I wasn't supposed to be a stripper for this long but it just turned out that way."

"Would you ever try to do mechanics work again?"

"I mean, yeah, that would be the dream. I love it. With my one mom, I worked on cars and motorcycles during my childhood. It's always been something I wanted to do. It's just a hard industry to get into as a woman. No one has ever given me a chance to prove myself."

He keeps his eyes on the ceiling, clearly thinking about something, but I don't pry. If he wants to tell me, he'll tell me when he's ready.

"Did you always think you would join Devil's Rose?"

"Pretty much. I tried college for a while but I figured out that it wasn't for me quickly. So, I came home and knew I never really wanted to leave."

"Which is understandable. Sometimes you know exactly what you want with your life."

"And sometimes you have no idea."

I smile over at him, but he's not looking at me. I don't need him to be or anything, but I would like to see those dimples of his if I have the chance. I turn slightly toward him, placing a hand on his chest and exploring the tattoos that decorate his skin.

"Do any of them have meaning?" I question him gently, partly just wanting to hear his voice.

"Yeah. I think naturally that happens even if they originally didn't. But, some of them are also random."

"I've always to get a tattoo."

That's the thing that gets him to look at me.


He sounds surprised. It could either be the fact that I don't have one already or that I want one at all.

"I'm not quite sure what I would get which is why I haven't done it yet. Also, I get more tips than the ladies who do have ones. I seem more pure that way. One day though."

He's quiet for a moment, his fingers light on my skin.

"If that day ever comes, and I'm still around, I know exactly where you could go."

"Some Devil's Rose MC hangout I'm sure," I chuckle as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me into him.

"That way I could make sure you were being treated right," he replies nonchalantly as if he hasn't said one of the most romantic things I've ever heard.

Slasher leans down, kissing me lightly and cradling me in his gentle grasp.

I'm not sure if my heart can take much more of this before I self-combust.

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Where stories live. Discover now