Chapter 30: Iris Callahan

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I feel the tears brewing in my eyes as I see Carter walk toward me. He lets out a little "aww" and wraps me in a tight, tender hug. He kisses the top of my head and tries to get me not to cry. 

I feel Jax's eyes on the both of us, but he doesn't step forward to us, knowing that my brother and I need a moment and he can comfort me later on. I brush the tears away from my cheeks, sniffling heavily.

"You're going to be okay, Ro," Carter says, using my nickname.

Ro because my middle name is Rowan.

"I'm gonna miss you, Carter," I whisper back.

"I'm going to miss you too, but we will call each other. I promise you that," he answers with conviction.

I nod my head into his chest and back away, letting him breathe. I tuck my unruly red hair behind my ears, and I feel Jax's presence right behind me. I pump into his chest, and he settles a light yet comforting hand on my hip, providing silent support. 

I don't know why I'm so broken up about having the leave my brother. It's not like we aren't in contact with one another or that we're making up after a fight or something. I just miss him so much. I've always been close with my brothers, and I never feel like I get enough time to be with him. 

And with Elijah, it's even worse because he lives in Boston which is so far from here. So is Chicago where my moms live. So it's hard to say goodbye to my family because I love them so much.

But I know that I have to and really I'm going to think nothing of it once I'm in the car.

He gives me a wave before he drives away and into the city that he loves. During our day together, he kept talking about how much he loves living here, his job, and the people that he's met here. 

It's so clear to me that this is the right place for him, and I'm glad that he found that for himself. He truly deserves it. So I know that I'm not leaving him in need of anything, but it's hard for me regardless. 

Jax is so kind about it though. He guides me to the car, buckles me in, and lets me have the moments of silence that I need to calm myself.

"Are you ready to get home, my flower?"

"Yes," I nod, "I'm very much ready to be home."

The drive back is about the same as the drive here. Not too complicated but with one less fight. After spending these couple of days together, away from the chaoticness that Grove Heights and 

Westmoor can bring just because of the personal connections we have there, I think we've been able to feel our relationship out more. We know that we want more than sex and something more established, but I think in Dallas we had time to talk about it and clear our heads when it comes to the other pressures we may feel about our relationship at home. 

I'm not saying that I don't want to return to Westmoor because of it, but it's obvious that having time away from expectations and personal attachments has allowed us to figure more of our relationship status out. 

We're on the same page: make this last as long as possible and fight for each other at every moment that we are on this journey together.

That's about as much a label as we need right now.

When we get back to Grove Heights, Jax drops me off at my place, so I can unload all my bags, shower, take a nap, whatever I need to do before going to Javier's mechanic shop and then the MC get-together tonight. 

The official members decided that they wanted to have a relaxing evening at Alpha and Persephone's house - kids invited - so Jax thought it would as good a time as any for me to meet everyone. 

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