Chapter 33: Jax Easton

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"First, I want to apologize for not telling you the plans the MC had for Maximilliano. I hid it from you because I was scared about how you would react, but that was wrong of me, and I should have been honest from the start. 

"Second, I apologize for not being more open with you about Devil's Rose MC info and using that as an excuse not to tell you things. I have a hard time opening up, and I just used the MC to keep myself hidden from you. 

"Third, I apologize for upsetting you. It was never my intention, but sometimes our intentions don't match our actions. I know better, and I want to be a better man for you."

"Yeah, but how are things going to be different? It's not like anything has changed."

"Iris, that's where you're wrong. I have changed. You have an influence on me that cannot be described. You have changed me, and that's what's different. When I first hid my original intentions, it was about the MC and that's it. It soon turned into protecting you."

"But Jax, you protect me in a way that hurts me. That's not protection, that's something else entirely. You aren't protecting me by lying to me. You're only protecting yourself."

I stare at this woman, the woman that I love, and I feel relief. Relief that I found someone to love, someone to live for, found someone who challenges me to be the best version of myself.

"I just want you to know, Iris, that I love you. I love you to the ends of the universe, and I love you enough to let you go if that's what you want. I know I said I would fight for you, but I don't want you to ever feel forced to stay. I choose to be with you. I want you to make the same choice too."

She pats the bed in front of her, setting her tea down on her bedside table. Her hands are warm against the sides of my face as she cradles my head.

"I love you, Jax Easton. I'm in love with you. I'm not leaving you. There's no one I want other than you. Not in this life or the next."

She leans up into me, laying a kiss on my lips.

"But promise me one thing, sweet boy."

"Anything, my flower," I reply, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Stay truthful. Stay soft. And know that you are loved."

"I promise," I whisper back to her, leaning down to kiss her.

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into my lap. I use my feet to kick off my shoes, crawling into the bed with her. Iris moans into my mouth as I deepen the kiss, my muscles straining at the awkward position that we lay in. 

She shuffles her body backward, so her head hits the pillow, and I can climb fully on top of her. My fingers dance over her light long-sleeve t-shirt as my eyes drift to her bare legs. I hum in delight, astounded by how fucking beautiful she is. 

She gently runs her hands up my back and to my shoulders, feeling the muscles along my back and upper arms.

She feels like fucking heaven.

But before we go too far, I can tell that she's tired. I can tell that her heart along with her mind and body are tired. In realizing that, I put an end to the sexual beginnings and lay down in the bed next to her. 

Even though I want to go further, it's also been a long twenty-four hours for me. I would rather have a good night's rest and then please her all she wants in the morning.

She rolls over to let her left leg dangle over my body, her head on my chest.

"Do you think that soulmates exist?" Iris asks me gently.

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