Chapter 21: Jax Easton

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Iris comes out of my bedroom in just my T-shirt.

Fucking hell. When she looks so goddamn beautiful, it makes it hard to breathe.

She pushes me down to the couch, climbing into my lap. She lays the blanket on both of us and settles into me, ready to listen.

"Before I begin trauma dumping on you, I want to introduce myself."

"What do you mean, Slasher? I already know you."

"My name is Jax Oliver Easton. Twenty-eight years old. Single."

She laughs, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Nice to meet you, Jax. I know that you know this already, but I am Iris Rowan Callahan. Twenty-three. Very much single, but I have my eyes set on someone."

"Do you?" I tease but sort of confused.

"Yeah. He just introduced himself to me a second ago, and I'm a goner."

Oh, I see what she's doing.

"What's he look like?"

"Handsome. Tan, deep blue eyes, sexy tattoos. Everything a girl could want."

"And he's not blonde."

"And he's not blonde," Iris repeats, rolling her eyes with a bright smile on her face.

I like knowing I can make her smile.

"Be serious now, Jax-" I fucking love the way she says my name, and I have a feeling she'll keep repeating it, much to my satisfaction "-you wanted to talk to me about what's going on."

"You know how I told you that I was kept away from a lot of the danger growing up?"


"I lied to you. I saw quite a bit of it. It's not like my parents actively put me in situations, but they were far less careful than any of the official members are now with their children. There was one time my dad and mom both had to go out in the field. 

"I was in the backseat of their car, five years old, and saw them kill people. I didn't understand but stuff like that makes an impact regardless. It only happened a few times, but it was enough to scar me. 

"I knew violence was around me and that made me a violent kid which made me into a violent adult. Which is why I did those things to those people. Sometimes I feel like I don't know any better. But I do, and I have to work on not being a shithead."

"Right," Iris replies, and I know she's just trying to wrap her head around what I'm telling her.

"I know that's not exactly what you pictured my childhood or whatever. I have to be honest with you though. I'm not wanting you to fix me, and I don't want to become a burden to you. I just thought you should know."

"I'm going to react terribly to this, and I apologize in advance. I'm so sorry," she states with a shrug.

I smile down at her, taking in her beauty.

"What you are going to do?" I question her, raising my eyebrows the same way Alpha did to me about an hour ago.

"Where do your parents live again? Because I think I need to have a talk with them," she demands, her usually light icy eyes now dark.

I chuckle at her and lay a kiss on her cheek.

"Louisiana, my flower. Louisiana."

"Yeah, I'm gonna go pick up my car and take it for a drive."

Slasher: Devil's Rose #10Where stories live. Discover now