Chapter 16: Iris Callahan

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"This is not what I was expecting at all," I announce as I walk in, my head moving back and forth to check out the club.

Slasher's hand is firm on my back in support while we make our way to the payment station. He doesn't reply, and I'm quick to understand that he's trying to get us into the club and in a comfortable spot to talk before getting into conversation with me. 

It's almost like he's getting into his dominant headspace to take care of me. I appreciate it more than I thought I would. He's way less controlling than I thought he would be. I think in the bedroom it'll be different but outside of it, I'm not sure that he's that dominant. 

I guess I'll find out. An employee takes the one hundred dollar bill from Slasher's hand without a word and two security guards step aside to let us into the larger space of the club. 

A woman steps up to us, and Slasher tells her that we're together with no interest in making a party of two any bigger. She pulls out two red wristbands and helps me put mine on kindly while Slasher does his own.

I glance around at the people walking around us to see that there are many different colored wristbands which definitely mean different things for this club's rules. 

Maximilliano tried to do something like that for the strip club. He said we could have different wristbands for certain preferences we had toward how far we were willing to go with customers, but we got too competitive, and customers couldn't figure it out so that fell through quickly. 

The only people at the bar have black wristbands, and in the little knowledge I have, they are probably only watching and not participating and touching anyone. I think that has to do more with safety.

We sit down at an empty table with only two chairs (another signal for anyone into threesomes or something), and he hands me a bottle of water that sits in a cooler off the edge of the table. I take a sip of it and allow it to cool me down.

"What were you expecting?" Slasher asks me, referring back to my initial comment.

"Naked people. A lot more naked people."

He smiles at me, taking a drink of his own water.

"There are naked people here but not in the main room. This is more of a hangout for people in the community to get to know each other, form relationships, things like that."

"It's a good place for me to start," I comment, fully knowing that I'm out of my comfort zone.

"I'm glad you think so. I figure that it's better to ease you into it."

"And I appreciate that."

We sit in silence for a moment as I take it all in. I wasn't lying when I said I was expecting a bunch of naked people, what I didn't add is that I thought they would be all over each other, but honestly, this place is just like any other club. 

There's a bar, that very few people are at (one of the major differences), a dance floor, music, and people sitting together, flirting with each other, and doing all the normal club things. 

But as Slasher said, there are naked people here, just not so out in the open. I know that minute I say the word though, I'm going to be bombarded with something entirely new to me. While I know that I have Slasher's support, it still does scare me a bit.

"You okay, Iris?" he asks me gently, bringing me back to the present.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just more nervous than I was before."

He nods his head in understanding, and he doesn't push me to elaborate more.

It's as if he knows exactly what I need.

"Do you want to sit here more or go check it out?"

Part of me doesn't want to move. I want to stay right here in my comfort zone and not do anything crazy. That same part of me would be great with running straight out of the building, riding his motorcycle back to my place, and collapsing in bed to watch a rom-com where I know that I'm safe. 

He would be totally okay with that too. He would want to join me happily. The greater part of me though wants to see more. That part of me, though the nerves haven't gone away, wants to know what could be in store for me. 

It wants to test the boundaries of Slasher and I's budding relationship. It knows that I couldn't be safer than being with Slasher, and I should just fucking go for it. He would take me out of there whenever I wanted to.

I stand up, brushing the front of my mini-dress down to make sure it looks good. Slasher stands too, and I can tell he's ready to follow my lead in what I want to do. I know all of this is my decision. I don't think I realized how much control I have even though he's "dominant." 

Sure, I might let him take control of me in the bedroom, but it's all about what we're both comfortable with and that's established beforehand. I never really realized that. I think that's partly why it makes this type of relationship so taboo. 

It's because people outside of the community think there may be a lack of consent, but in reality, positive relationships come out of a place with consent, just as any other sexual or non-sexual relationship.

He lets me take his hand, and I interlace my fingers through his. He presses a kiss to the back of my hand, gazing up at me with his dark blue eyes.

"I want you to show me, but I don't want you to let go of my hand."

I stand beside him and wrap my empty arm around his. I take a breath and let him guide me into the back rooms of the club. There, the environment changes too. It becomes darker and more seductive. I can feel the shift in energy in both the club but also in Slasher. 

He uses our intertwined hands to pull me closer to him, almost possessively. Although he doesn't have to because of the wristbands showing it to everyone around us, I know that he's showing to everyone around us that we're together, that I am his. 

I am totally good with him doing it too; I honestly want it. Right now, while I'm figuring out how I feel about this, I'm not sure I want to talk to anyone. I want to be alone in our little bubble with him taking care of me. I'm being a bit of an attention whore, but I can't help it.

But even though the environment is changing, so far, I'm not seeing anything different than what would usually be happening in a dark hallway of a club. 

In my business, I've seen worse than what these couples are doing. It's going to take more than hands going up a few skirts to have me shocked. I dance naked up on a stage. I see men masturbating all the time even though they know that they shouldn't be. It's just part of my job. 

However, I have a feeling that this is not going to be the same as that. Masturbation is probably nothing to what is actually happening here. Which isn't a positive or negative thing, it's just true.

The rooms lining the hallway all have shut doors, and I want to open every single one. The signs on them, similar to our wristbands, are probably there to signify what the people in the rooms are open to and if they wouldn't mind someone else opening the door. 

I'm not ready for that so I don't even begin to ask Slasher about it because I don't want him thinking I'm fully interested in opening an available door.

I glance up at the silent and stoic man I'm clinging onto, internally thanking him for being so good about this. He winks down at me and pulls me ever so slightly closer to him. So he's enjoying this just as much as I am; good. 

I eye our intertwined hands, my heart thumping in my chest, but it's no longer out of nervousness or fear. I shouldn't feel anything toward this man at all. I've repeated it to myself about a thousand times already. I am just stunned by him. 

I'm so fucking lucky to be the person standing beside him, I know it even though I don't enough about him to know for sure. Especially because he can't tell me due to Devil's Rose MC business. 

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