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"OOOOO!!! Watch this! Look! Look! LOOK!" Aphrodite squealed smacking Ares' arm as if he wasn't watching the same exact thing right next to her. 

Donna walked into the small Paris inn ringing the bell only to grab no one's attention. After a quick glance around she decided to just go behind the counter and grab her room key herself.

Before she could swipe her room key, she heard the door behind her open. She turned to see a gorgeous blonde man with a leather jacket, stitched into it with golden thread was a sandal with angel wings sprouting from the side. 

His eyes were filled with mischief as he smirked at the pretty woman behind the counter. He placed the box down before speaking, "Excusez-moi, femme magnifique. J'ai une livraison. J'ai juste besoin de votre signature et de votre numéro de téléphone." He winked after what was certainly a very flirty comment, unfortunately, Donna didn't speak French. 

Noticing her confusion he whispered to himself, "Gods, my French can't be that bad... I am in France right?" He glanced around wondering if he had somehow ended up in the wrong place. 

"Sorry, I didn't understand that. Could you say it again?" Donna smirked. 

Hermes having not registered the change in language nodded dumbly, "Oh sure! Excusez-moi, femme magnifique. J'ai une livraison. J'ai juste- Oh wait a second." She watched as the realization hit and he stared at her wide-eyed and confused. 

"I don't work here." She confided. 

Hermes' gorgeous blue eyes lit up once more in mischief as his flirty smile returned to his face, "Well, I should call the police then... No one likes a thief... Even worse a poor thief, who gets caught in the act!" He smiled at his own personal inside joke before jokingly picking up the phone, leaning over the counter casually so that his nose nearly touched her own. 

"If I have to watch my father flirt for one more second, I'm going to pluck out my eyeballs and use them to clog my ears." Travis gagged, trying to hide behind Connor as if to save himself from the monstrosity before him.

"I'd rather you didn't." She said, pushing the phone back into place and leaving her hand on his. 

"Probably for the best. They might not understand my French anyway. We are in France, right?" Hermes looked into her eyes ignoring the sparks he felt from where their hands touched. 

She smiled, "Yes, we are in France. Wouldn't a delivery man know where he is?" 

"I get turned around more than you'd think for what I am." He whispered to her as if it were a secret only for her ears. 

It flashed forward as Donna walked alongside Hermes through a park in Paris. Side by side they looked stunning. The eyes of the mere mortals around them couldn't help but be drawn to the gorgeous pair. 

"So Hermes... You're a delivery man?" Donna asked, eying her new companion. 

"In a way. I work for my father and do basically all the grunt work he needs me to do... I believe the exact job title would be errand-boy" Hermes joked. He too couldn't take his eyes off the mortal at his side. It had been a very long time since someone had caught his attention so completely. 

Hermes sat on his throne, putting a fist in front of his lips to cover the cheesy grin he was sporting. Gods, he missed Donna. He only had a day with her and a single night. The next day when he returned she had left a note and ditched him. 

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