Name of the Game

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Apollo watched helplessly as the film progressed. He felt himself falling in love with Donna all over again as he saw her smiling face and heard her angelic voice. He smiled as she danced and chuckled at her jokes. He couldn't help it, she was radiant. 

He glanced around the room at Hermes and Posideon. Both watched the films with fondness, but neither could truly claim to love Donna still. It was different for Apollo, that fire still burned bright in a hidden corner of his broken heart. 

Even after all these years, those guilded cracks had never completely healed. The joy and liveliness of seeing his love slowly crumbled as he watched his love story turn to tragedy before his eyes. 

Sofie looked back and forth between the screen and Apollo. She too had noticed the difference between her mother's flings with Hermes and Poseidon and her intense love with Apollo. There was a visible discrepancy between the storylines. 

Annabeth grasped her hand in comfort as they watched the scene play out.

"I've seen you twice, in a short time. Only a week since we started. It seems to me, for every timeI'm getting more open-hearted. I was an impossible case. No-one ever could reach me. But I think I can see in your face. There's a lot you can teach me...So I wanna know! What's the name of the game?" Donna sat beside a sleeping Apollo on the bed, writing in her diary. 

She snuck out of bed trying not to rouse her sleeping lover. She continued to sing as she stood, placing a chased kiss on Apollo's bed-ruffled sunshine curls.

"Does it mean anything to you? What's the name of the game? Can you feel it the way I do? Tell me please, 'cause I have to know" Donna walked out onto the beautiful Greek Island. Enjoying herself she cartwheeled through the tree grove and basked in the gorgeous weather. 

The sunlight seemed to follow her wherever she went, giving her a golden hour glow even into the late morning.

"I'm a bashful child, beginning to grow." She reached for an Orange just past her fingertips only to fall from the tree she had unnecessarily climbed. " And you make me talk. And you make me feel. And you make me show. What I'm trying to conceal. If I trust in you, would you let me down?"

The throne room laughed as they watched Donna antagonize a goat, only to run away in terror when the small creature charged.

"Would you laugh at me, if I said I care for you? Could you feel the same way too? I wanna know. The name of the game-"

The music came to an abrupt halt as she heard arguing coming from inside the house.

Everyone in the throne room of Olympus could feel the shift in Apollo. The other's stiffened as the room warmed noticeably. 

The god looked in pain as he watched the scene play out in real-time.

Sofie looked back and forth between the god that could possibly be her father and the screen. Everyone was watching intensely as the tone changed. 

Two voices were screaming in harsh Greek, something that Donna couldn't understand. The only thing she could comprehend was the heartbroken rage coming from the female voice and the rushed annoyance coming from the male. 

Donna entered quietly examining the scene. 

Apollo stood shirtless a few paces away from a beautiful woman. She had long dark hair tied back by a colorful silk scarf. She had a lovely olive complexion and even her scowl seemed kind. 

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